‘ Remark | The Remark command outputs comments and instructions in the VBScript code. |
.AddPrinterConn | The .AddPrinterConn command in VB Script establishes a connection to a printer or a print queue. |
.AppActivate | .AppActivate activates a specified window and its application. |
.Application | The .Application object in VB Script is a powerful tool that provides access to the global state of the VB Script runtime environment. |
.BrowseForFolder | The .BrowseForFolder command in VB Script allows users to open a file browser window and select a directory. |
.CreateObject | The .CreateObject command in VB Script is used to create an instance of an ActiveX object. |
.CreateShortcut | .CreateShortcut creates a shortcut to a specified file, folder, or website on the user's desktop. |
.CurrentDirectory | The .CurrentDirectory command in VB Script returns the full path of the current working directory. |
.Echo | The .Echo command in VBScript is used to display a message on the screen or write it to a specified output device. |
.EnumPrinterConnections | |
.Exec | .Exec executes a program or command in a new process. |
.GetObject | .GetObject command in VB Script creates an object that references another object or application. |
.LogEvent | The .LogEvent command logs a custom event to the Windows Event Log. |
.MapNetworkDrive | MapNetworkDrive establishes a connection to a shared network drive and maps it to a local drive. |
.Quit | The .Quit command in VB Script enables the graceful termination of a script. |
.ReadLine | The ".ReadLine" command in VB Script allows you to read a single line of text from the standard input (usually the keyboard). |
.RegDelete | The .RegDelete command removes a specified key from the Windows registry. |
.RegRead | The .RegRead command in VB Script allows you to read values from the Windows Registry, a hierarchical database that stores system configuration settings. |
.RegWrite | Writes a value or key to the Windows Registry, modifying the system or user registry. |
.RemovePrinterConnection | |
.Run | The Run command executes a program or opens a document. |
.SendKeys | The .SendKeys command allows you to simulate keystrokes and input text into any active application from within VB Script. |
.SetDefaultPrinter | .SetDefaultPrinter sets the default printer for the current user. |
.Shell | The .Shell method lets VBScript seamlessly execute programs and scripts directly from within your scripts. |
.ShellExecute | |
.Sleep | The .Sleep command in VB Script executes a time delay or pause in the script's execution. |
.SpecialFolders | .SpecialFolders function in VB Script provides a way to access special folders on the local computer, such as the desktop, My Documents, or the Windows directory. |
Abs | The Abs command in VBScript calculates the absolute value of a number, effectively removing its negative sign if present. |
Arguments | The Arguments object provides access to command-line arguments passed to a VB Script. |
Array | The Array() command in VB Script allows you to create an array, a data structure that can store a collection of values of the same type. |
Asc | The Asc function returns the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) code for the first character of a string. |
AscB | The AscB command in VB Script is used to retrieve the ASCII code of the first character in a specified string. |
AscW | The AscW command in VB Script returns the ASCII code of the first Unicode character in a string. |
CBool | |
CByte | The CByte command in VB Script converts a numeric expression to a Byte value. |
CCur | CCur converts a string expression to a currency value. |
CDate | The CDate command in VB Script converts a string representing a date and time expression into a Date object. |
CDbl | The CDbl() command converts a numeric string to a double-precision floating-point number. |
Chr | The Chr command in VBScript converts an ASCII code to its corresponding character. |
ChrB | The ChrB command in VB Script is used to convert an ASCII or Unicode character code into its corresponding character. |
ChrW | The ChrW command in VBScript converts Unicode character codes to their wide character counterparts. |
CInt | The CInt command converts a string representation of an integer into a numeric data type. |
CLng | CLng converts a numeric expression to a Long integer (32-bit integer). |
Command | The Command command in VB Script executes a system command, allowing access to various operating system functionalities. |
cscript | cscript is a command-line utility that executes scripts written in VBScript. |
CSng | The CSng command in VB Script is a conversion function that changes a string to a Single-precision floating-point number. |
CStr | CStr is a VB Script command used to convert data to a string. |
Date | Date is a VB Script command that returns the current system date and time in a customizable format. |
DateAdd | The DateAdd function in VB Script allows you to perform basic date and time arithmetic, such as adding or subtracting a specified number of days, months, years, hours, minutes, or seconds from a given date or time. |
DateDiff | The DateDiff command in VB Script allows you to find the difference between two dates, expressed as a number representing the specified interval. |
DatePart | DatePart can be combined with other VB Script functions to perform complex date calculations. |
DateSerial | DateSerial calculates a date from specified year, month, and day integers. |
DateValue | |
Day | The Day command in VB Script retrieves the day of the month for a given date object. |
Dim | The Dim command is used to declare and optionally initialize variables in VB Script. |
Do..Loop | The Do..Loop command in VB Script creates a loop structure for executing a set of statements repeatedly until a specified condition is met. |
Drives | The Drives command in VB Script returns an array of drive letters that are available on the computer. |
Environment Variables | The Environment Variables command in VB Script enables manipulation of environment variables. |
Escape | Double Escaping: Be cautious of double-escaping strings that have already been escaped. |
Eval | Eval evaluates an expression as a VB Script code and returns the result. |
Execute | The Execute command executes the specified command line or batch file. |
Exit | Exit command terminates the execution of the current script or function in VBScript. |
Exp | The Exp function in VB Script calculates the exponential of a given number, which is the value of e (approximately 2.71828183) raised to the power of the input. |
FileSystemObject | FileSystemObject (FSO) is a VB Script utility that provides robust and comprehensive file system manipulation capabilities. |
Filter | The Filter() function in VBScript allows you to search through a string or array and extract specific elements based on a specified condition. |
Fix | The Fix command in VB Script corrects the pointer to the currently active Automation server or control. |
For Each… | For Each... iterates through the elements of a collection, performing an action for each item. |
For…Next | The For...Next command in VBScript is used for looping through a sequence of values or executing a block of code multiple times. |
FormatCurrency | The FormatCurrency command in VBScript is utilized to format a numeric value as a currency string. |
FormatDateTime | The FormatDateTime command in VB Script allows you to format a date or time value into a custom string representation. |
FormatNumber | The FormatNumber command in VBScript is used to convert a numeric value into a string representation with the specified number formatting options. |
FormatPercent | FormatPercent can be combined with other VB Script functions to perform complex formatting tasks. |
Function | The Function command in VB Script allows you to define user-defined functions or subroutines within a script. |
GetLocale | The GetLocale() function returns a string representing the current user locale identifier. |
Hex | The Hex command in VB Script converts an integer value to a hexadecimal string representation. |
Hour | The Hour command in VB Script retrieves the hour (0 - 23) component of the current time. |
If..Then | The If..Then command in VBScript is used for conditional execution, allowing you to execute specific code blocks only if certain conditions are met. |
InputBox | The InputBox command prompts the user for input via a modal dialog box. |
InStr | The InStr command finds the first occurrence of a specified substring within a string. |
InStrRev | |
Int | Int converts a number to an integer (whole number). |
IsArray | The IsArray command in VB Script provides a way to determine if a variable is an array. |
IsDate | This function determines whether a string represents a valid date. |
IsEmpty | IsEmpty is a VB Script command used to evaluate whether a variable or object has a value or not. |
IsNull | The IsNull command in VB Script evaluates whether a given expression or variable is null . |
IsNumeric | The IsNumeric command in VB Script checks if a given value can be converted to a number (Double). |
IsObject | The IsObject command in VB Script examines a given value and determines whether it represents an object. |
Join | The Join method combines two or more strings into a single string, separating them with a specified delimiter. |
LBound | This occurs when you try to access an element outside the valid range of the array. |
LCase | The LCase command converts all characters in a string to lowercase. |
Left | The Left function in VB Script extracts a specified number of characters from the left side of a string. |
Len | The Len command in VB Script returns the number of characters in a string variable. |
Log | The Log command in VB Script calculates the natural logarithm of a number. |
LTrim | The LTrim command in VB Script removes leading whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, carriage returns, line feeds) from a string. |
Mid | The Mid command in VB Script allows you to extract a substring from a given string. |
Minute | The Minute command in VB Script extracts the minute component from a specified date value. |
Month | The Month command in VB Script returns the month component of a date as an integer between 1 and 12. |
MonthName | |
MsgBox | MsgBox command in VB Script displays a message box with a specified text, title, and buttons. |
Network | The Network command establishes and manages network connections in VB Script. |
Now | The Now function in VB Script returns the current system date and time as a Date object. |
On Error | The On Error command in VB Script enables customized error handling, allowing you to define how the script responds to errors. |
ReDim | The ReDim statement in VBScript dynamically redimensions an array to a new size or shape. |
REM | The REM command in VBScript is used to insert comments into your script. |
Replace | The Replace command in VB Script performs a search and replace operation on a given string. |
RGB | The RGB command in VB Script is used to create a color value from the specified red, green, and blue components. |
Right | Right function extracts a specified number of characters from the right end of a string. |
Rnd | The Rnd command generates a random number. |
Round | Round is a VB Script command used for rounding numeric values to specified decimal places or the nearest integer. |
RTrim | The RTrim command removes all trailing spaces from a string. |
Second | VB Script's Second command retrieves the second component of a time value. |
Select…Case | The Select...Case command allows conditional branching of code flow based on the value of a specified expression. |
Set | The Set command in VB Script is utilized to assign an object to a variable. |
SetLocale | The SetLocale command in VB Script allows you to set the current locale of your script. |
Sgn | The Sgn command in VBScript determines the sign of a given numeric expression. |
Space | The Space command in VBScript creates a string of a specified number of spaces. |
Split | The Split command in VB Script is used to divide a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter. |
Sqr | The Sqr command in VB Script calculates the square root of a specified numeric expression. |
StdOut.Read | The StdOut.Read() command in VB Script reads data from the standard output stream (stdout), which is typically generated by scripts, programs, or processes running in a command prompt or PowerShell. |
StdOut.Write | |
StrComp | The StrComp command in VB Script compares two strings and returns a numeric value indicating their relative order. |
String | The VB Script String command creates a new string object, which can be used to manipulate and store text data. |
StrReverse | StrReverse is a VB Script command used to reverse the order of characters in a string. |
Sub | The Sub command in VB Script marks the beginning of a subroutine, a reusable block of code within a script. |
Time | The Time command in VBScript provides the current system time as a string. |
TimeSerial | The TimeSerial command in VB Script constructs a time value from specified hour, minute, and second values. |
TimeValue | The TimeValue function converts a string representing a time value into a Date object. |
Trim | |
TypeName | The TypeName command in VB Script returns a string representing the VBA type of a variable, object, or expression. |
UBound | UBound retrieves the upper bound subscript of an array, specifying the last index value that can be used to access the array. |
UCase | The UCase command in VB Script converts all lowercase characters in a given string to uppercase. |
UnEscape | UnEscape is a VB Script command used to decode HTML or URL encoded strings, converting them back to their original characters. |
Weekday | The Weekday command in VB Script returns the day of the week for a given date. |
WeekdayName | The WeekdayName command in VB Script retrieves the full name of a specified numeric weekday, typically from 1 to 7. |
While…Wend | The While...Wend command in VBScript allows for repeated execution of a block of code until a specified condition becomes false. |
With | With creates a contextual scope for setting and getting properties and methods of an object. |
Year | The Year function in VBScript extracts the year as a four-digit integer from a given date value. |