Mid - VBScript


The Mid command in VB Script allows you to extract a substring from a given string. It is commonly used to retrieve specific characters or sections of a string.


Mid(sourceString, start, length)


  • sourceString: The input string from which the substring will be extracted.
  • start: The position of the first character to include in the substring. Starts from 1.
  • length: (Optional) The number of characters to include in the substring. If omitted, extracts until the end of the string.




Simple Example:

Dim text = "This is a test string"
Dim result = Mid(text, 5, 3) ' Extracts "is a"

Extracting a Substring Until the End of the String:

Dim text = "This is a test string"
Dim result = Mid(text, 8) ' Extracts "a test string"

Common Issues

  • Ensure the start position is within the range of the string’s length.
  • Omitting the length parameter will result in extracting until the end of the string, which may not be intended.


Mid can be used in conjunction with other string manipulation commands like Left, Right, and Len for more complex text processing tasks.

  • Left: Extracts a substring from the left side of the string.
  • Right: Extracts a substring from the right side of the string.
  • Len: Returns the length of a string.