InputBox - VBScript
The InputBox command prompts the user for input via a modal dialog box. It is commonly used to collect user-defined values or provide options for the script.
InputBox(prompt [, title] [, default] [, xpos] [, ypos])
- prompt: Required string specifying the text to display in the input box.
- title: Optional string setting the title of the input box window. Defaults to “Input”.
- default: Optional string containing the default value to display in the input box. Defaults to an empty string.
- xpos: Optional integer specifying the horizontal position of the input box window in pixels from the left edge of the screen. Defaults to the center of the screen.
- ypos: Optional integer specifying the vertical position of the input box window in pixels from the top edge of the screen. Defaults to the center of the screen.
- None
Simple Usage:
userName = InputBox("Enter your name:")
Complex Usage (with title, default value, and position):
input = InputBox("Provide a value (default: 10):", "Input Box", 10, 200, 100)
Common Issues
- Blank Input: If the user leaves the input box empty and clicks “OK”, an empty string will be returned. Use error checking to handle this case.
- Modal Dialog Timeout: The input box is a modal dialog, so it blocks other actions in the script until it is closed. Use a timer to set a timeout if necessary.
Chaining with WScript.Echo:
WScript.Echo InputBox("Enter a message to display:")
Using with Select Case:
input = InputBox("Select an option:")
Select Case input
Case "1":
' Code for option 1
Case "2":
' Code for option 2
Case Else
' Code for default
End Select
Related Commands
- MsgBox: Displays a message box with predefined buttons (e.g., OK, Cancel).
- Input: Waits for user input in the console window.