Exp - VBScript


The Exp function in VB Script calculates the exponential of a given number, which is the value of e (approximately 2.71828183) raised to the power of the input. This function is commonly used in mathematical and scientific applications for calculations involving exponential functions.




  • number: Required. A numeric expression representing the exponent.




' Calculate the exponential of 3
Dim result = Exp(3) ' Result: 20.0855369231877

' Calculate the exponential of a variable
Dim x = 2
Dim result = Exp(x) ' Result: 7.38905609893065

Common Issues

  • Invalid Input: The Exp function expects a numeric input. Providing a non-numeric value will result in an error.
  • Overflow: If the exponent is too large (positive or negative), the function will return Infinity or -Infinity.
  • Underflow: If the exponent is too small (positive or negative), the function will return 0.


The Exp function can be used with other VB Script commands to perform advanced calculations, such as:

  • Calculating the area of a circle with CExp:
Dim radius = 3
Dim area = CExp(radius * radius * Math.PI)
  • Solving exponential equations with Log:
Dim x = 3
Dim result = Log(20.0855369231877) / Log(x)
  • Log: Calculates the natural logarithm of a number.
  • CLng: Converts a numeric expression to a long integer.
  • CInt: Converts a numeric expression to an integer.