DatePart - VBScript


VB Script Function – Extracts a specified part of a date.


DatePart(interval, Date)


  • interval is the part of the date to be extracted.
  • Date is the date value from which the interval is to be extracted.

Valid intervals

  • “y” – Year (1 to 9999)
  • “q” – Quarter (1 to 4)
  • “m” – Month (1 to 12)
  • “d” – Day (1 to 31)
  • “w” – Day of the week (1 to 7)
  • “ww” – Week of the year (1 to 53)
  • “h” – Hour (0 to 23)
  • “n” – Minute (0 to 59)
  • “s” – Second (0 to 59)
  • “ms” – Millisecond (0 to 999)


WScript.Echo DatePart("y", Date)
' Output: The current year

WScript.Echo DatePart("q", Date)
' Output: The current quarter

WScript.Echo DatePart("m", Date)
' Output: The current month

WScript.Echo DatePart("d", Date)
' Output: The current day of the month

WScript.Echo DatePart("w", Date)
' Output: The current day of the week (1-7)

Common Issues

  • Make sure to use a valid date format.
  • The interval must be enclosed in double quotes.
  • DatePart cannot be used to extract parts of a time value.


DatePart can be combined with other VB Script functions to perform complex date calculations. For example, the following script adds one month to a given date:

Dim date1
date1 = "2023-03-08"

Dim newDate
newDate = DateAdd("m", 1, date1)

WScript.Echo newDate
' Output: 2023-04-08
  • DateAdd – Adds an interval to a date.
  • DateDiff – Calculates the difference between two dates.
  • FormatDateTime – Formats a date according to a specified format string.