Execute - VBScript


The Execute command executes the specified command line or batch file. It’s typically used to run external programs or scripts from within a VB Script.


Execute [verb] [application] [arguments] [options] [flags]


  • verb: (Optional) Specifies the action to perform. Defaults to “open”.
  • application: (Required) Specifies the command, program, or script to execute.
  • arguments: (Optional) Specifies arguments or parameters to pass to the application.
  • options: (Optional) Sets specific options for the execution.
  • flags: (Optional) Modifies the command’s behavior.


  • /c: Executes the command and closes the current window after execution.
  • /d: Specifies the default directory to use for the execution.
  • /n: Suppresses the display of the new window for the command.
  • /s: Runs the command in the system directory.
  • /t: Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the command to complete.


  • Execute a simple command:
Execute "notepad"
  • Execute a command with arguments:
Execute "ping", "-n 4 www.microsoft.com"
  • Execute a command with options:
Execute "/c", "ipconfig /all"

Common Issues

  • Permission errors: Ensure the VB Script has sufficient permissions to execute the specified command.
  • Path not found errors: Verify the specified application or script path is correct.
  • Timeout errors: If the command takes longer than the specified timeout, it will terminate. Adjust the timeout value if necessary.


Integrate Execute with other commands to automate tasks:

Dim shellObj
Set shellObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shellObj.Run "calc.exe", 1 ' Run the calculator with a maximized window