.ReadLine - VBScript
The “.ReadLine” command in VB Script allows you to read a single line of text from the standard input (usually the keyboard). It is primarily used for user input and data entry in scripts and interactive applications.
object.ReadLine( [prompt] )
| Parameter | Description |
| object | An object that represents the text stream to read from. |
| prompt | (Optional) A prompt to display before reading input. |
' Read a line of input from the user
Dim input
input = InputBox("Enter your name:")
' Read a line of input from a file
Set fileStream = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("test.txt")
Dim line
line = fileStream.ReadLine
Common Issues
- Incorrect object type: Ensure that the object you are using to read from is a text stream object (e.g., TextStream).
- Empty input: If the user does not enter any input before pressing Enter, “.ReadLine” will return an empty string (““”).
- Unexpected line endings: Be aware that line endings may vary based on the operating system or text file format.
“.ReadLine” can be combined with other commands for advanced tasks, such as:
- User input validation: Use the “.ReadLine” command to prompt users for input and then validate it using regular expressions or other methods.
- Interactive scripting: Integrate “.ReadLine” into scripts to create interactive applications that respond to user input.
Related Commands
- InputBox: Displays a modal dialog box to prompt the user for input.
- MsgBox: Displays a message box to the user.