.LogEvent - VBScript


The .LogEvent command logs a custom event to the Windows Event Log. It is primarily used to record significant events or errors during script execution for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes.


.LogEvent [Source] [Category] [EventID] [Type] [Message]


  • Source: The source of the event (default: script filename without extension).
  • Category: The event category (default: “Application”).
  • EventID: A unique identifier for the event (default: 1).
  • Type: The event type (default: “Error”). Valid types are:
    • Error
    • Warning
    • Information
    • SuccessAudit
    • FailureAudit
  • Message: The event message. Supports string interpolation using %x (e.g., %0, %1).


Simple logging:

.LogEvent "MyScript" "General" 1 "Information" "Script execution started."

Logging with string interpolation:

.LogEvent "MyScript" "Error" 1 "Error" "Failed to open file '%0'."

Common Issues

  • Access denied: Ensure the script has sufficient permissions to write to the Event Log.


The .LogEvent command can be integrated with other VB Script commands to provide additional logging capabilities. For example:

' Loop through files and log errors

For Each file In FilesCollection
  If Not FileExists(file) Then
    .LogEvent "MyScript" "File I/O" 1 "Error" "Failed to find file '%0'."
  End If
  • .GetObject
  • .WScript.Echo