CInt - VBScript


The CInt command converts a string representation of an integer into a numeric data type. It is primarily used to parse numeric data from user input or other text sources. The result is a 32-bit signed integer value.


  • string: A string containing a numeric representation.




Simple Usage:

Dim numString = "123"
Dim numValue = CInt(numString)
' numValue is now an integer with the value 123

Error Handling:

Dim numString = "abc"
On Error Resume Next
Dim numValue = CInt(numString)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  ' Handle the error (e.g., invalid numeric format)
End If

Combining Commands:

Dim userInput = InputBox("Enter a number:")
Dim numValue = CInt(Trim(userInput))
  • This example trims whitespace from the user input before converting it to an integer.

Common Issues

  • Invalid Input: If the input string does not represent a valid numeric value, CInt will return an error.
  • Overflow: If the numeric value is too large to fit in a 32-bit integer, the command will raise an overflow error.


CInt can be combined with other VB Script commands, such as InputBox to read user input or Trim to remove whitespace.

  • CBool: Converts a string to a Boolean value.
  • CDbl: Converts a string to a double-precision floating-point value.
  • CStr: Converts a value to a string.