String - VBScript


The VB Script String command creates a new string object, which can be used to manipulate and store text data. It is commonly used for various operations such as text concatenation, character manipulation, and string formatting.


Function String([string_value])

| Parameter | Description |
| string_value | An optional string to initialize the new string object. |


| Option | Default Value | Description |
| None | N/A | No additional options are available. |


Creating a simple string:

Dim myString = String("Hello World")

Concatenating strings:

Dim str1 = String("Welcome")
Dim str2 = String(" to VBA")
Dim fullStr = str1 + str2
MsgBox fullStr 'Output: Welcome to VBA'

Character manipulation:

Dim myString = String("VB Script")
MsgBox myString(4) 'Output: S'
MsgBox InStr(myString, "Script") 'Output: 7'

String formatting:

Dim myString = String.Format("My name is {0}", "John Doe")
MsgBox myString 'Output: My name is John Doe'

Common Issues

  • Type mismatch errors: Ensure that the value provided to the string_value parameter is a valid string.
  • Invalid character positions: When accessing characters within a string, make sure the specified position is within the valid range (1 to string length).


The String command can be integrated with other VB Script commands for advanced tasks. For instance, it can be used with the InputBox function to prompt the user for text input:

Dim myString = InputBox("Enter your name:")
If myString <> "" Then
    MsgBox "Hello, " & myString
End If
  • Len: Returns the length of a string.
  • Trim: Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
  • Replace: Replaces a substring with another string.