.RegRead - VBScript


The .RegRead command in VB Script allows you to read values from the Windows Registry, a hierarchical database that stores system configuration settings. It’s primarily used for accessing and retrieving data from the Registry, enabling you to interact with system settings and configuration values.


.RegRead(regPath, regKey)


| Argument | Description | Required |
| regPath | The path to the Registry key to read from. | Yes |
| regKey | The name of the Registry value to read. | Yes |




Simple Usage:

Dim regValue = .RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion", "ProgramFilesDir")
MsgBox "Program Files Directory: " & regValue

Reading a Nested Key:

Dim regValue = .RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Google Chrome", "DisplayName")
MsgBox "Google Chrome Display Name: " & regValue

Common Issues

  • Incorrect Registry Path: Ensure that the regPath specified is correct and exists in the Registry. Incorrect paths will result in an error.
  • Permission Denied: You may need administrative privileges to read from certain Registry keys. If you encounter access denied errors, try running your script as an administrator.
  • Value Not Found: If the specified regKey does not exist in the Registry, the command will return an empty string. Always check for the existence of the key before attempting to read its value.


The .RegRead command can be combined with other VB Script commands to perform advanced tasks, such as:

  • Writing to the Registry using .RegWrite
  • Deleting Registry keys using .RegDelete
  • Creating Registry keys using .RegCreateKey
  • .RegWrite
  • .RegDelete
  • .RegCreateKey