CMD - All Commands Cheat Sheet

CMD - All Commands Cheat Sheet



AccessChk AccessChk is a command-line tool from Sysinternals, now owned by Microsoft, that administrators use to check the access permissions for files, registry keys, services, and other system objects in Windows environments.
ADDUSERS ADDUSERS is a command-line utility in Windows that enables the batch creation, modification, or deletion of user accounts.
ADmodcmd The ADmodcmd command is a command-line utility designed to modify objects within an Active Directory (AD) environment.
ARP The ARP command in Windows is used to display or modify entries in the ARP cache.
ASSOC The ASSOC command in Windows CMD is used to view or modify file extension associations.
ATTRIB The ATTRIB command in Windows CMD is used to display or change file and directory attributes.
AUDITPOL Auditpol is a command-line utility in Windows that manages and retrieves audit policy settings.


BCDBOOT BCDBOOT is a command-line tool used in Windows to configure the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store.
BCDEDIT BCDEDIT (Boot Configuration Data Editor) is a command-line tool used to manage boot configuration data (BCD) stores in Windows operating systems.
BITSADMIN BITSADMIN is a command-line tool that allows management of Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), a service in Windows that facilitates asynchronous, prioritized, and throttled transfer of files between machines using idle network bandwidth.
BOOTREC The BOOTREC command is a Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) tool that helps users recover from boot errors that may occur due to corrupted Boot Configuration Data (BCD) or missing system files.
BREAK The BREAK command in Windows CMD is a legacy command that is used to enable or disable the extended CTRL+C checking on DOS systems.
BROWSTAT BROWSTAT is a command-line utility used to diagnose and gather statistics about Microsoft Windows Browser Service.


CACLS The CACLS command in Windows CMD is used to display or modify Access Control Lists (ACLs) of files and directories.
CALL The CALL command in Windows Command Prompt is used to invoke a batch file from another batch file.
CD The CD (Change Directory) command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to change the current working directory.
CERTREQ The CERTREQ command in Windows CMD is used for certificate request processing.
CERTUTIL certutil is a command-line utility in Windows that is used to manage certificates, Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), and Certificate Trust Lists (CTLs) on Windows computers.
CHANGE The CHANGE command in Windows CMD is used to manage various system settings, primarily focused on services related to terminal sessions.
CHANGEPK CHANGEPK (Change Product Key) is a command-line utility in Windows designed to facilitate the switching of product keys of the installed Windows operating system.
CHCP The CHCP command in Windows Command Prompt is used to display or set the active console code page.
CHDIR The CHDIR command, also known as CD, is a command-line utility in Windows CMD used to display the name of or change the current directory.
CHKDSK CHKDSK (Check Disk) is a command-line utility in Windows that checks the file system and file system metadata of a volume for logical and physical errors.
CHKNTFS CHKNTFS is a command used in Windows Command Prompt to display or modify the checking of the disk at boot time.
CHOICE The CHOICE command in Windows CMD prompts the user to make a selection from a list of choices and returns the index of the selected option.
CIPHER The CIPHER command in Windows CMD is used to manage encryption for directories and files on NTFS volumes.
CleanMgr CleanMgr (Disk Cleanup) is a utility in Windows that helps users free up disk space on their computer's hard drive by deleting unnecessary files like temporary files, system files, and emptying the Recycle Bin.
CLIP The CLIP command in Windows CMD is a utility for copying the results of any command from the command prompt to the Windows clipboard.
CLS The CLS command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to clear the terminal screen, removing all previously executed commands and outputs from view.
CMD The CMD command in Windows opens an instance of the Command Prompt, a command line interpreter application used to execute entered commands.
CMDKEY The CMDKEY command in Windows is used to create, list, and delete stored user names and passwords from a user's credentials store.
COLOR The COLOR command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to set the default foreground (text) and background colors of the console window.
Comment-Remark The :: is a feature in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) used as a way to introduce comments in batch scripts.
COMP The COMP command in Windows Command Prompt is a file-comparison tool used to compare the contents of two files or sets of files, byte-by-byte.
COMPACT The COMPACT command is a versatile Windows CMD utility used to display and alter the compression state of files and directories on NTFS partitions.
CON The "CON" command in Windows CMD is used to represent the system console, manipulated primarily for inputting and displaying text data directly via the Command Prompt.
CONVERT The CONVERT command in Windows CMD is used to convert the file system of a drive from FAT32 or FAT to NTFS without losing data.
COPY The COPY command in Windows CMD is used to copy one or more files from one location to another.
Coreinfo The Coreinfo command is a tool developed by Sysinternals (now part of Microsoft) that displays mapping between logical processors and physical processors, NUMA node, and socket on x86 and x64 systems.
CSCcmd CSCcmd is a client-side caching command-line tool used primarily on Windows operating systems for managing the Offline Files feature.
CSVDE csvde is a command-line tool in Windows that is used to import or export Active Directory data from or to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
CURL curl is a command-line tool used to transfer data to or from a server using various protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, and more.


DATE The DATE command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) allows users to display or set the system date.
DEFRAG The DEFRAG command is used to defragment a hard drive, which consolidates fragmented files and folders on the computer's hard disk so that each occupies a single, contiguous space.
DEL The DEL command, or DELETE, is a command-line utility in Windows CMD used for deleting one or more files from a directory.
DELPROF DELPROF is a command-line utility in Windows operating systems primarily used to delete user profiles.
DELTREE The DELTREE command was historically used in DOS and early versions of Windows to delete a directory along with all of its subdirectories and files.
DevCon DevCon (Device Console) is a command-line tool that acts as an alternative to Device Manager.
DIR The DIR command in Windows Command Prompt displays a list of files and directories in a specific directory.
DISKPART DISKPART is a command-line disk partitioning utility included in Windows operating systems that allows users to manage their computer's drives.
DISKSHADOW DISKSHADOW is a command-line tool included in Windows operating systems that is designed for managing and manipulating Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) shadows.
DISKUSE The DISKUSE command in Windows CMD is a utility designed to analyze and display the disk usage of a directory and its subdirectories.
DISM DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) is a command-line tool used for servicing and managing Windows images, including those used for Windows PE, Windows Recovery Environment, and Windows Setup.
DisplaySwitch DisplaySwitch is a command-line utility in Windows operating systems designed to quickly change the display mode among available monitors.
DNSCMD The DNSCMD command is a command-line tool used for managing Windows DNS Servers.
DOSKEY DOSKEY is a command-line utility for Windows that enables users to recall, edit, and execute previously entered commands from the Command Prompt.
DriverQuery DriverQuery is a built-in Windows Command Prompt command that lists all installed drivers, their types, and associated properties.
DSACLs The DSACLs command in Windows CMD is used for managing access control lists (ACLs) on Active Directory objects.
DSAdd The DSAdd command is a part of the Directory Service command line tools used in Windows to add objects to an Active Directory.
DSGet The dsget command is a versatile tool used in Windows Command Prompt to display properties of objects in Active Directory such as user accounts, groups, and computers.
DSMod DSMod is a command-line tool used in Windows to modify properties of existing Directory Service objects in Active Directory (AD).
DSMove DSMove is a command-line tool used in Windows environments to move or rename directory service objects such as Active Directory user accounts or computer accounts.
DSQuery DSQuery is a command-line tool included with Windows Server that allows users to query the Active Directory for information about various objects like users, groups, computers, and more.
DSREGCMD dsregcmd is a command-line tool used on Windows operating systems primarily for managing device or user enrollment status and troubleshooting Azure Active Directory and Active Directory issues.
DSRM dsrm (Directory Service Remove) is a command-line tool used for deleting objects from the directory service of Active Directory (AD).
DU The DU (Disk Usage) command in Windows CMD provides information about the quantity of disk space used by the specified files and directories.


ECHO The ECHO command in Windows CMD is used to display messages or turn on/off the command echoing feature in the command prompt.
ENDLOCAL The ENDLOCAL command in Windows Command Prompt is used to end the localization of environment changes in a batch file.
ERASE The ERASE command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to delete one or more files from a directory.
ESENTUTL esentutl is a command-line utility included in Microsoft Windows that helps manage Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) databases.
EVENTCREATE EVENTCREATE is a command-line utility in Windows that allows administrators to create custom entries in the event logs.
EXIT The EXIT command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to terminate a script or the command shell itself.
EXPAND The EXPAND command in Windows CMD is used to decompress one or more compressed files.
EXPLORER The EXPLORER command in Windows CMD opens a new instance of the Windows File Explorer.
EXTRACT The EXTRACT command in Windows CMD is used to extract files from cabinet (.cab) files or compressed archives.


FC The FC command (File Compare) in Windows Command Prompt is used to compare two files or sets of files and display the differences between them.
FIND The FIND command in Windows CMD is used to search for a specific string of text within files or input provided through standard input.
FINDSTR findstr is a command-line tool in Windows CMD that searches for patterns of text in files.
FLTMC FLTMC (Filter Manager Control Program) is a command-line utility on Windows operating systems used to manage and control the MiniFilter drivers for the file system's filter management.
FONDUE FONDUE (Features on Demand User Experience Tool) is a Windows CMD command used to install any optional features in Windows without requiring the original installation media.
FOR The FOR command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is a powerful tool used for loop-based command execution.
FOR-F The FOR /F command in Windows CMD is used for parsing textual data or command output and generating a set of actions for each parsed item.
FORFILES FORFILES is a command-line utility in Windows used for batch processing a set of files.
FORMAT The FORMAT command in Windows CMD is used to format a disk for use with Windows.
FREEDISK The FREEDISK command is used in Windows Command Prompt to check if a specified amount of disk space is available on a specific drive.
FSUTIL The fsutil command is a versatile Windows Command-Line utility used for managing filesystems and related properties.
FTP The FTP command in Windows Command Prompt is a tool used to transfer files between a client and a server over a network using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
FTYPE The FTYPE command in Windows CMD is used to display or modify file types used in file extension associations.


GETMAC The GETMAC command is a utility in Windows operating systems used to display the Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of network devices on a local computer.
GOTO The GOTO command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) allows you to change the flow of execution to a specific section within a batch script, usually marked by a label.
GPRESULT The GPRESULT command, short for "Group Policy Result," is a command-line tool used on Windows operating systems to display information about Group Policy settings.
GPUPDATE The GPUPDATE command is used in Windows CMD to force a refresh of Group Policy settings and apply new settings immediately without needing to reboot the computer.


HELP The HELP command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) provides descriptions and usage information for the supported commands.
HOSTNAME The HOSTNAME command in Windows CMD is used to display the system's current hostname, which is the label assigned to the device on a network.


iCACLS The iCACLS command in Windows Command Prompt is used to display or modify Access Control Lists (ACLs) of files and directories.
IEXPRESS The IEXPRESS command in Windows CMD is a tool that creates self-extracting executable (.exe) packages or Installers.
IF The IF command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used for conditional processing in batch scripts.
IFMEMBER The IFMEMBER command in Windows CMD is used to determine if the current user is a member of one or more specified Windows groups.
INUSE INUSE is a command-line utility in Windows that allows the replacement of files that are locked by the system or by any application.
IPCONFIG The IPCONFIG command in Windows Command Prompt is a utility used to display all current TCP/IP network configuration values and refresh DHCP and DNS settings.


KLIST The klist command in Windows Command Prompt is used to manage Kerberos tickets.


LABEL The LABEL command in Windows CMD is used to create, change, or delete the volume label of a disk.
LGPO The LGPO command in Windows CMD is a utility for managing local group policy objects.
LODCTR The LODCTR command in Windows CMD is used to update registry values related to performance counter names and collect performance data.
LOGMAN The LOGMAN command in Windows is a versatile tool used to create and manage Event Trace Session and Performance logs.
LOGOFF The LOGOFF command in Windows CMD is used to log off the currently logged-on user from a session on a local or remote machine.


MAKECAB MAKECAB is a command-line utility in Windows that compresses one or more files into a cabinet (.CAB) file.
Manage-BDE Manage-BDE is a command-line tool designed for managing BitLocker Drive Encryption on Windows operating systems.
MBR2GPT The MBR2GPT command is a Windows tool used to convert a disk from the Master Boot Record (MBR) partition format to the GUID Partition Table (GPT) format without modifying or deleting data on the disk.
MD The MD command, short for "Make Directory", is used in Windows Command Prompt to create one or more new directories.
MKLINK MKLINK is a command-line utility in Windows that allows users to create symbolic links, hard links, and directory junctions.
MODE The MODE command in Windows Command Line (CMD) is a versatile tool used to configure system devices, specifically printers and serial ports.
MORE The MORE command in Windows CMD is used primarily to display one page of output at a time.
MOUNTVOL The Windows CMD command MOUNTVOL is used for displaying, creating, or removing volume mount points in Windows.
MOVE The MOVE command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to move one or more files from one directory to another.
MOVEUSER The MOVEUSER command is used in Windows operating systems to move a user profile from one user account to another.
MSG The MSG command in Windows CMD is used for sending messages to users and sessions on a local or remote machine that is running the server service.
MSIEXEC MSIEXEC is a command-line utility in Windows that is used to install, modify, and perform operations related to Windows Installer packages (.msi files).
MSINFO32 The MSINFO32 command, known as System Information, is a utility in Windows operating systems that displays a comprehensive view of the hardware, system components, and software environment.
MSTSC The MSTSC command, short for Microsoft Terminal Services Client, is used to start a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) session to remotely access the graphical interface of another computer.


NBTSTAT NBTSTAT is a Windows command-line utility used for troubleshooting NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT) connections.
NET The NET command in Windows CMD is a powerful utility used to manage various network settings and resources.
NETDOM NETDOM is a command-line tool used for managing and maintaining Windows domains and trust relationships between domains.
NETSH netsh (Network Shell) is a command-line scripting utility that allows you to, either locally or remotely, display or modify the network configuration of a computer that is currently running.
NETSTAT NETSTAT (Network Statistics) is a command-line tool provided by Windows operating systems that displays network connections for the Transmission Control Protocol (both incoming and outgoing), routing tables, and a number of network interface statistics.
NLTEST nltest is a command-line tool provided by Microsoft Windows, primarily used for testing and querying domain controllers.
NMBIND The NMBIND command in Windows Command Prompt is a network utility used to manage network binding of services and protocols to network adapters.
NOW The NOW command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to display the current system date and time.
NSLOOKUP nslookup is a network administration command-line tool available in Windows for querying the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain domain name or IP address mapping or any specific DNS record.
NTBACKUP NTBACKUP is the command-line version of the backup utility available in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
NTDSUtil NTDSUtil is a command-line tool used primarily for managing Active Directory databases.
NTRIGHTS NTRIGHTS is a Windows Command-line tool used for modifying user account rights on local or remote systems.
NVSPBIND The NVSPBIND command is a networking utility used in Windows for modifying network bindings.


OPENFILES The OPENFILES command in Windows Command Prompt is a utility used to display or disconnect open files and folders on a system.


PATH The PATH command in Windows CMD is used to display or set a specific path available in the PATH environment variable.
PATHPING PATHPING is a network utility command used in Windows that combines features from both the ping and tracert commands.
PAUSE The PAUSE command in Windows CMD is used to suspend a batch file’s execution until the user presses a key.
PERMS The PERMS command in Windows CMD is a fictional command designed to display or modify user and group permissions for a file or directory.
PING The PING command in Windows CMD is a diagnostic tool used to test the connectivity between the current host and another networked device.
PKTMON PKTMON is a packet monitoring tool included in Windows for tracking and diagnosing network traffic.
PNPUTIL The PNPUTIL command in Windows Command Line is a Device Driver Package manager that allows users to manage the driver store.
POPD The POPD command in Windows Command Prompt is used to restore the previous value of the current directory saved by the PUSHD command.
PORTQRY PortQry is a command-line utility that enables you to query the state of TCP and UDP ports to verify the availability and responsiveness of network services.
POWERCFG POWERCFG (Power Configuration) is a command-line utility in Windows operating systems used for managing and troubleshooting power settings.
PRINT The PRINT command in Windows CMD is used to print a text file to a printer connected to your computer.
PRINTBRM The PRINTBRM command (short for Print Backup Recovery Migrate) is a command-line tool on Windows operating systems designed to back up, restore, and migrate print queues, printer settings, and printer ports.
PRNCNFG The PRNCNFG command, available in Windows Command Prompt, is utilized to configure or display current settings of a designated printer.
PRNDRVR The PRNDRVR command (not an actual Windows CMD command) serves as a fictional utility for managing printer drivers.
PRNJOBS The PRNJOBS command in Windows CMD is used to manage print jobs on a local or network printer.
PRNMNGR The PRNMNGR command is a print manager command-line utility used in Windows to add, remove, and manage printers from a command prompt.
PRNPORT The PRNPORT command in Windows CMD is used to manage printer ports on a Windows operating system.
PRNQCTL PRNQCTL is a Windows CMD command used for managing and controlling print queues on a Windows operating system.
ProcDump ProcDump is a command-line utility from Microsoft's Sysinternals suite that allows users to monitor applications for CPU spikes and generate crash dumps during a spike.
PROMPT The PROMPT command in Windows Command-Line (CMD) is useful for customizing the appearance of the command prompt window.
PsExec PsExec is a lightweight telnet replacement tool that lets you execute processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software.
PsFile PsFile is a command-line tool developed by Sysinternals, available as part of the Windows Sysinternals suite.
PsGetSid PsGetSid is a command-line utility in Windows that displays the Security Identifier (SID) of a specified user or computer account.
PsInfo PsInfo is a command-line tool for Windows that gathers detailed information about system hardware and operating systems.
PsKill PsKill is a command-line utility for terminating processes on local or remote systems.
PsList PsList is a command-line utility tool that displays detailed information about processes running on a Microsoft Windows system.
PsLoggedOn PsLoggedOn is a utility tool used in Windows environments to determine the user accounts that are currently logged on locally or via network connections.
PsLogList PsLogList is a command-line utility designed for Windows systems that helps users view and manage event log records.
PsPasswd PsPasswd is a command-line tool primarily used on Windows operating systems for changing account passwords.
PsPing PsPing is a command-line utility that enables network diagnostics by measuring network performance, latency, and bandwidth.
PsService PsService is a command-line tool used for viewing and controlling services on local and remote Windows systems.
PsShutdown PsShutdown is a command-line utility for Windows that enables users to shutdown, reboot, or suspend a local or remote computer.
PsSuspend PsSuspend is a command-line utility for Windows that allows users to suspend and resume processes.
PUSHD The PUSHD command in Windows Command Prompt is used to save the current directory by pushing it onto a stack and then changing to a specified directory.


QAppSrv QAppSrv is a Windows CMD command used to query the application server list in the current Remote Desktop Session Host server farm.
QPROCESS The QPROCESS command in Windows Command Prompt is used to display information about processes running on a system.
QUSER The QUSER command in Windows CMD is used to display information about user sessions on a system.
QWinsta The QWinsta command, short for Query WINdows STAtion, displays information about Remote Desktop sessions on a Windows server or workstation.


RASDIAL RASDIAL is a command-line tool used in Microsoft Windows to manage dial-up and virtual private network (VPN) connections.
RASPHONE RASPHONE is a command-line utility in Windows operating systems that manages Remote Access Service (RAS) connections.
RD The RD (Remove Directory) command in Windows CMD is used to delete directories (also referred to as folders).
REAgentC REAgentC.exe is a command-line tool used for configuring the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE).
RECOVER The RECOVER command in Windows CMD is used to recover readable data from a damaged or defective disk (floppy disk or hard drive).
REG The REG command in Windows Command Prompt is a powerful tool used for manipulating the registry.
REGEDIT Regedit (Registry Editor) is a powerful Windows utility used to view and manage the Windows Registry.
REGINI REGINI is a command-line utility in Windows that allows users to modify Registry keys and values from a script or command prompt.
REGSVR32 REGSVR32 is a command-line utility in Windows that registers and unregisters DLL (Dynamic Link Library) and ActiveX controls in the system registry.
REM The REM command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to record comments or remarks within batch files or scripts.
REN The REN or RENAME command in Windows CMD is used to rename one or more files and directories.
REPLACE The REPLACE command in Windows CMD is used to replace files in one directory with files from another directory.
Reset Session The Reset Session command in Windows CMD is used to reset a session of a remote desktop, terminal server, or any client session.
RMDIR The RMDIR (or RD) command in Windows CMD is used to remove directories, specifically empty directories.
RMTSHARE RMTSHARE is a command-line utility in Windows that allows users to manage shared resources on a network.
ROBOCOPY ROBOCOPY (Robust File Copy) is a command-line utility in Windows for copying files and directories in a more advanced and reliable way than the standard copy command.
ROUTE The ROUTE command in Windows CMD enables users to manipulate the network routing tables.
RUN The RUN command in Windows CMD is used to execute specified programs or commands directly from the command line.
RUNAS RUNAS is a command in Windows CMD that allows a user to run specific tools and programs with different permissions than the user's current logon session.
RUNDLL32 RUNDLL32 is a Windows command line utility used to execute functions defined in a DLL file.


SC The SC command in Windows Command Prompt is a versatile tool used for communicating with the Service Control Manager and services.
SCHTASKS The SCHTASKS command in Windows Command-Line is a utility for scheduling, creating, deleting, configuring, and managing tasks in the Task Scheduler.
ScriptRunner The "ScriptRunner" command in Windows CMD enables users to automate and execute a series of commands saved in a script file.
SET The SET command in Windows CMD is used for displaying, setting, or removing environment variables in the command session.
SETLOCAL The SETLOCAL command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) initiates the localization of environment changes in a batch script, meaning any changes made to environment variables after the SETLOCAL statement are local to the batch file and are discarded when the batch script ends.
SetObjectSecurity The SetObjectSecurity command in Windows CMD is a powerful utility used to modify the security settings of a filesystem object, registry key, or system objects.
SetSPN SetSPN is a command-line tool used in Microsoft Windows environments to manage Service Principal Names (SPNs) for services running on accounts.
SETX The SETX command is used in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) to set or create environment variables persistently at the command line.
SFC The SFC (System File Checker) is a command-line utility in Windows that scans for corruption in Windows system files and restores corrupted files.
SHARE The SHARE command in Windows CMD is used to install file locking and file sharing functions in DOS-based systems.
ShellRunAs ShellRunAs is a command-line utility in Windows that allows users to run specific programs with different user credentials.
SHIFT The SHIFT command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to manipulate the position of replaceable parameters in batch files.
SHORTCUT The SHORTCUT command in Windows CMD is used to create, modify, or delete shortcuts to programs, files, and directories.
SHUTDOWN The SHUTDOWN command in Windows CMD is used to shut down, restart, or log off the local or a remote machine.
SIGCHECK sigcheck is a command-line utility primarily used for verifying the digital signatures and version information of Windows executable files (EXE, DLL, SYS, etc.).
SLEEP The SLEEP command in Windows CMD is used to pause the execution of a batch file for a specified number of seconds.
SLMGR SLMGR, or Software Licensing Management Tool, is a command-line tool intended for Windows system administrators to manage licenses and activation status on Windows operating systems.
SORT The SORT command in Windows CMD is used to sort the lines of input from a specified file or standard input (the keyboard, a pipe, or another output source) and writes the results to standard output (the screen, a file, or another input source).
SSH The ssh command, short for Secure Shell, is a protocol used to securely connect and log into remote machines over a network.
START START is a command used in Windows CMD to initiate a separate window to run a specified program or command.
STRINGS The STRINGS command in Windows CMD is used to extract readable strings from binary files.
SUBINACL SUBINACL is a command-line tool in Windows that enables administrators to obtain security information about files, registry keys, services, and other system objects.
SUBST The SUBST command in Windows CMD allows you to map a path to a drive letter, creating a virtual drive that appears in File Explorer and all command-line interfaces.
SXSTRACE SXSTRACE is a command-line tool used in Windows operating systems to trace and diagnose issues with Side-by-Side (SxS) assemblies.
SYSMON The SYSMON command in Windows is a utility that monitors and logs system activity to the Windows event log.
SYSTEMINFO The SYSTEMINFO command in Windows CMD provides detailed information about the computer system, including hardware and software configurations.


TAKEOWN The TAKEOWN command in Windows CMD is used to enable an administrator to regain access to a file or directory that previously was accessible only to a specific user or system.
TAR The tar command in Windows Command Prompt is a powerful tool used for archiving and managing file collections into a single archive file commonly known as tarball.
TASKKILL The TASKKILL command is a utility in Windows Command Prompt that allows users to terminate tasks or processes either by process ID (PID) or by image name.
TASKLIST The TASKLIST command in Windows CMD displays a list of currently running tasks and their corresponding details.
TELNET The TELNET command in Windows CMD is used to connect to remote hosts using the Telnet protocol, a user command and TCP/IP protocol for accessing remote computers.
TIME The Windows CMD TIME command is used to display or set the system time.
TIMEOUT The TIMEOUT command in Windows CMD is used to delay the processing of a batch file for a specified number of seconds.
TITLE The TITLE command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to set the title of the command prompt window.
TLIST The Windows Command Prompt utility TLIST, or Task List, is used to display a list of currently running processes on a Windows system.
TOUCH The TOUCH command is used in Windows CMD to change the file access and modification timestamps of a file to the current time.
TRACERT TRACERT (Trace Route) is a network diagnostic command used to determine the path that an IP packet takes to reach its destination.
TREE The TREE command in Windows Command Prompt is used to graphically display the folder structure of a specified drive or path as a tree diagram.
TSDISCON The TSDISCON command is used in Windows operating systems to disconnect a user from a Terminal Services session without closing it.
TSKILL TSKILL is a command-line utility available in Windows operating systems that is used to terminate tasks by their process ID or image name.
TYPE The TYPE command in Windows CMD is used to display the contents of a text file or files to the console (standard output).
TypePerf TypePerf writes performance data to the command line or logs it to a file, facilitating real-time monitoring or later analysis.
TZUTIL TZUTIL, or the Time Zone Utility, is a command-line tool in Windows used for displaying or configuring the system time zone.


VBC The VBC command, short for Visual Basic Compiler, is a command-line tool used to compile Visual Basic .NET programs from source code into executable files (.exe) or dynamic-link libraries (.dll).
VER The VER command in Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) is used to display the operating system version information.
VERIFY The VERIFY command in Windows CMD is used to instruct Windows to verify that your files are correctly written to a disk.
VMConnect VMConnect (Virtual Machine Connection) is a command-line tool used to connect to a virtual machine running on Hyper-V.
VOL The VOL command in Windows CMD displays the disk volume label and serial number of a specified drive.
VSSADMIN VSSADMIN is a command-line tool used in Windows operating systems to manage Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).


W32TM The w32tm command is a command-line tool used for displaying and configuring the time service in Windows.
WAITFOR The WAITFOR command in Windows CMD is used to synchronize the execution of batch files across different computers or sessions by waiting for a signal to be sent or for a specific timeout to occur.
WBADMIN WBADMIN is a command-line utility included in Windows operating systems that helps users manage backups, restores, and recovery of their files and systems.
WECUTIL WECUTIL, or Windows Event Collector Utility, is a command-line tool used for managing subscriptions to events that are forwarded from remote computers.
WEVTUTIL WEVTUTIL (Windows Events Command Line Utility) is a command-line tool included in Windows operating systems designed for retrieving information about event logs and publishers.
WHERE The WHERE command in Windows CMD is used to locate and display the executable file, script, or batch file's path in a set of directories listed in the system path.
WHOAMI The WHOAMI command in Windows Command Prompt displays user, group, and privileges information for the user running the command.
WHOIS The WHOIS command in Windows Command Prompt is used to retrieve domain registration information from WHOIS servers.
WINDIFF WinDiff is a graphical file comparison tool included with the Windows operating system.
WINGET The winget command is a package management tool included in Windows, designed to help users discover, install, upgrade, and configure applications.
WINMGMT The winmgmt command is related to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service, which is crucial for managing Windows.
WINRM winrm (Windows Remote Management) is a command-line tool provided by Microsoft as part of the Windows Operating System.
WINRS The WINRS (Windows Remote Shell) command in Windows CMD allows administrators to execute commands and scripts remotely on Windows machines.
WMIC Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) is a scripting interface that simplifies the use of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and systems managed through WMI.
WPEUTIL WPEUTIL is a command-line utility specifically designed for Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE).
WPR WPR (Windows Performance Recorder) is a command-line utility part of the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT) that enables users to collect detailed performance data about their Windows operating system and applications.
WT The wt command is a powerful utility used for opening Windows Terminal, a modern terminal application that supports multiple tabs and panes, which allows for using Command Prompt, PowerShell, and other command-line shells and apps.
WUAUCLT wuauclt is a Windows utility command that stands for Windows Update AutoUpdate Client.
WUSA The WUSA (Windows Update Stand-alone Installer) command in Windows CMD is used to install and manage Windows updates from a standalone .msu file.


XCACLS The XCACLS command is a tool for managing file and directory permissions on Windows systems.
XCOPY The XCOPY command in Windows CMD is a powerful command-line tool used for copying files and directories from one place to another.