
The PRNCNFG command, available in Windows Command Prompt, is utilized to configure or display current settings of a designated printer. This tool is essential for managing printing devices on a Windows system, allowing users to edit properties such as the printer’s name, shared status, and even its default nature. It’s especially useful in environments with multiple printers or in network setups where printer settings need to be adjusted remotely.


The basic syntax for using the PRNCNFG command is as follows:

PRNCNFG [-s <ServerName>] -z <PrinterName> [Options]
  • -s <ServerName>: Specifies the server on which the printer exists. If omitted, the command targets the local machine.
  • -z <PrinterName>: Specifies the printer to configure.

Required Parameters:

  • -z <PrinterName>: Specifies the target printer by name.

Optional Parameters:

  • -s <ServerName>: Targets a specific server.


Several options are available with PRNCNFG to modify printer settings:

  • +shared / -shared: Switches the printer’s shared status. +shared makes it shared, -shared sets it as unshared.
  • -m <Comment>: Sets or alters the comment for the printer.
  • -h <Location>: Specifies the printer’s location.
  • -u: Updates the printer driver to the newest version.
  • -r <Port>: Changes the printer port.
  • +default / -default: Sets or unsets the printer as the default.


  1. Setting a Printer as Default

    To set a printer named “HP_LaserJet” as the default printer:

    PRNCNFG -z HP_LaserJet +default
  2. Changing the Printer Port

    Modify the port of the “OfficePrinter” to “USB002”:

    PRNCNFG -z OfficePrinter -r USB002
  3. Updating Printer Driver

    Update the driver for the printer named “ColorPrinter”:

    PRNCNFG -z ColorPrinter -u

Common Issues

  • Ambiguous Printer Names: Ensure the printer name is correctly specified. Printer names that are not exact can lead to the command affecting the wrong device.
  • Permissions: Running PRNCNFG might require administrative privileges especially when modifying printer settings on a server or network.


The PRNCNFG command can be coupled with other commands for script-based automation or more extensive management tasks. For instance, using FOR to iterate through a list of printers and setting them to shared:

FOR %P IN (Printer1, Printer2, Printer3) DO PRNCNFG -z %P +shared
  • PRNQRY: Displays information about printers.
  • PRINTUI: Another powerful command-line utility to manage printers.
  • NET PRINT: Manages network print jobs.

For more detailed documentation, users are advised to refer to the Microsoft official documentation or the help command PRNCNFG /?.