
The CONVERT command in Windows CMD is used to convert the file system of a drive from FAT32 or FAT to NTFS without losing data. This command is essential for users who need to handle larger files and require advanced file system features like security permissions, encryption, and compression that NTFS supports.


The basic syntax for the CONVERT command is as follows:

CONVERT volume /FS:NTFS [/V] [/CvtArea:filename] [/NoSecurity] [/X]
  • volume: Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name.
  • /FS:NTFS: Specifies the type of file system to which you want to convert the volume. Currently, only conversion to NTFS is supported.


  • /V: Specifies verbose mode, which displays detailed information during conversion.
  • /CvtArea:filename: Specifies a contiguous file in the root directory to be used as a placeholder for NTFS system files.
  • /NoSecurity: Specifies the converted files and directories to be accessible by everyone.
  • /X: Forces the volume to dismount first if necessary. All opened handles to the volume would then be invalid.


  1. Convert Drive E to NTFS:


    This example converts the drive E: to NTFS using default settings.

  2. Convert with Verbose Output:


    Converts drive E to NTFS and displays detailed information during the conversion.

  3. Use a Specific File for Conversion Area:

    CONVERT E: /FS:NTFS /CvtArea:CvtFile.dat

    Uses the file CvtFile.dat in the root of E: as a placeholder for NTFS system files.

  4. Convert with No Security:

    CONVERT E: /FS:NTFS /NoSecurity

    Converts E: to NTFS and sets the security settings so that the converted volume is accessible by everyone.

Common Issues

  • Insufficient Space: If there isn’t enough space on the drive to complete the conversion, the command will fail. Ensure there is enough free space before conversion.
  • Open Files: If files on the volume are in use, the conversion might fail. Use the /X flag to force dismount the volume, or ensure no files are in use.


The CONVERT command can be combined with other CMD commands for scheduled tasks or automated scripts. For example, you might schedule a disk check with CHKDSK before converting a file system:


This command sequence checks and fixes file system errors on E: then converts it to NTFS, ensuring minimal disruption and data safety.

  • CHKDSK: Checks the disk and fixes or reports file system errors.
  • DISKPART: A powerful tool to manage disk partitions in Windows.

Further Reading:
For more detailed information, you can visit the official Microsoft documentation.

This manual provides a comprehensive guide to using the CONVERT command in Windows Command Prompt, highlighting essential flags and common use cases to enhance your system management capabilities.