
The NET command in Windows CMD is a powerful utility used to manage various network settings and resources. It helps in setting up, configuring, servicing, and troubleshooting network connections, as well as in managing network devices and resources like shared drives and printers. This command can be particularly valuable in enterprise environments for handling network user accounts and group memberships.


The basic syntax for the NET command is as follows:

NET [command] [options]

Where [command] represents one of the sub-commands (like USE, USER, VIEW, etc.) and [options] are the parameters specific to the command used. Each sub-command has its own set of parameters and options.


Here are some of the commonly used NET sub-commands along with their options:


    • Adds or modifies user accounts on computers.
    • Example: NET USER username [password] [options]
    • Options:
      • /ADD: Adds a user account to the computer.
      • /DELETE: Removes a user account.
      • /DOMAIN: Performs the operation on the domain controller for the current domain.

    • Displays a list of computers or network devices.
    • Example: NET VIEW [computername]
    • No options specifically control behavior, it lists either the entire network or specified computers.

    • Connects, disconnects, and displays information about shared network resources.
    • Example: NET USE [devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename]
    • Options:
      • /DELETE: Breaks the connection to the network resource.
      • /PERSISTENT:YES|NO: Controls the persistence of network connections.

    • Adds, displays, or modifies local groups.
    • Example: NET LOCALGROUP [groupname] [username] [/ADD | /DELETE]
    • Options:
      • /ADD: Adds a user or global group to a local group.
      • /DELETE: Removes a user or global group from a local group.


  1. Adding a User:

    NET USER Mike redhorse123 /ADD
  2. Viewing Network Resources:

    NET VIEW \\ServerName
  3. Mapping a Network Drive:

    NET USE Z: \\ServerName\SharedFolder
  4. Removing a User from a Local Group:

    NET LOCALGROUP Administrators Mike /DELETE

Common Issues

  • Access Denied Error: Make sure you have sufficient privileges to execute specific NET commands, especially when modifying network settings or user accounts.
  • Network Path Not Found: Ensure the network resource or paths are correctly specified and accessible.


The NET command can be effectively combined with other CMD commands like ipconfig or PowerShell scripts to automate complex network administration tasks. For example:

NET USE X: \\Server\Share
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

This script maps a drive, renews the IP configuration, and then removes the mapped drive.

  • IPCONFIG: Displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values and refreshes DHCP and DNS settings.
  • PING: Checks the network connection and speed between your computer and a specified network device or computer.

For further documentation, you can visit the official Microsoft documentation or use the HELP command in CMD:


This will provide more detailed information about the NET USER command, for instance.