
The PRINTBRM command (short for Print Backup Recovery Migrate) is a command-line tool on Windows operating systems designed to back up, restore, and migrate print queues, printer settings, and printer ports. The command is particularly useful in large organizational environments or during server upgrades and migrations, where maintaining printer configurations across multiple systems reliably is crucial.


The general syntax for the PRINTBRM command is as follows:

PRINTBRM -b [options] -f <file_name>
PRINTBRM -r [options] -f <file_name>
PRINTBRM -s [options]
PRINTBRM -o [options]


  • -b specifies the backup operation.
  • -r specifies the restore operation.
  • -s specifies server properties operation.
  • -o specifies printer port operations.
  • -f <file_name> specifies the file name to use for the backup or restore.


PRINTBRM offers various options and flags that affect its operation:

  • -b, -r, -s, -o: As mentioned, these flags initiate backup, restore, server properties display, and port configuration operations respectively.
  • -f <file_name>: Specifies the file to be used for backup or restore operations.
  • -c <source_computer>: Used with the -b or -s option to specify the computer from which to backup or query server properties.
  • -s <destination_computer>: Used in the restoration or configuration operation for specifying the target computer.
  • -overwrite: Allow overwriting of existing printers during restore.
  • -? or /h: Provides help information about the command.


  • Backing up all printer settings:

    PRINTBRM -b -f "C:\backup\printers.pbk"
  • Restoring printer settings:

    PRINTBRM -r -f "C:\backup\printers.pbk"
  • Displaying server properties:

    PRINTBRM -s -c \\ServerName

Common Issues

  • Permissions Error: Ensure the user has administrative privileges to execute backup or restore printer settings.
  • File Access Errors: Make sure the file path specified in -f is accessible and writable.
  • Overwrite Caution: Use the -overwrite option carefully to avoid unintended loss of settings.

To avoid these, regular checks of user permissions and paths can be carried out, and careful planning of restore operations with the -overwrite flag should be considered.


PRINTBRM can be used in tandem with other CMD commands like schtasks for scheduling regular backups:

schtasks /create /tn "Weekly Printer Backup" /tr "PRINTBRM -b -f 'C:\Backup\printers.pbk'" /sc weekly /ru SYSTEM

This integrates printer backups seamlessly into the existing server management tasks, ensuring regular backups without manual intervention.

  • printui.dll, PrintUIEntry: This is another command-line tool used for printer configuration.
  • bcp: Command for bulk copy from databases, which can often be used in data migration scenarios similar to PRINTBRM.

Further documentation on PRINTBRM and related tools can be found at the official Microsoft Documentation or through the PRINTBRM -? command for quick reference on the command line.