
The DATE command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) allows users to display or set the system date. While primarily used for managing and modifying the date settings on a computer, this command can be essential for scripts that depend on date-specific processes or for administrative tasks requiring date verification or updates.


The basic syntax for the DATE command is:

DATE [/T | date]
  • DATE with no parameters will display the current date and prompt the user to enter a new date (if permissions allow).
  • /T displays the current date without prompting for a new one.

When setting the date, the format you need to use can depend on your system locale settings, typically MM-DD-YYYY in the United States.


  • /T : Displays the current date without prompting for a new date. Useful for scripts where you need to echo the current date without making changes.

By default, if you use DATE with no flags, it will prompt you to enter a new date.


  1. Display the current date:

    DATE /T

    Output might be Tue 05/23/2023 depending on system settings.

  2. Set a new date:


    This will prompt the user to enter a new date like Enter new date (mm-dd-yy): where the user needs to input the date as required.

Common Issues

  • Permission Errors: When trying to set the date, you might encounter permission errors if not executed with administrative privileges. Run CMD as administrator to resolve.
  • Format Confusion: Users often make mistakes related to the date format, especially in regions with different date formats (e.g., DD-MM-YYYY vs. MM-DD-YYYY). Always check your system’s locale settings.


The DATE command can be integrated with other commands for automated scripts and logging. For example, creating a file with a date stamp in its name:

ECHO Hello, World! > Logfile_%date:/=%time::=s%.txt

This command sequence takes the current date and time, removes undesirable characters, and uses them in a filename, useful for time-stamped logging.

  • TIME : Similar to DATE, but for displaying or setting the system time.
  • TIMESTAMP : Used in scripts for logging or file creation with a timestamp.
  • More complex date manipulations may require PowerShell or external tools/scripts.

For further reading and more detailed information, refer to the Microsoft official documentation for CMD at: Windows Command Line Documentation.