
The NMBIND command in Windows Command Prompt is a network utility used to manage network binding of services and protocols to network adapters. This command is particularly useful for system administrators and network professionals who need to configure network settings directly from the command line, enabling automation and scripting of network configurations in environments without a graphical interface.


The basic syntax for NMBIND is as follows:

NMBIND [options] <command> <arguments>

Where <command> specifies the operation to carry out, and <arguments> are the necessary parameters to complete the operation. Specific syntax may vary based on the <command> used.


NMBIND includes several options and flags that modify its behavior:

  • /list: Displays the current network bindings.
  • /enable: Enables a binding based on specified criteria.
  • /disable: Disables a binding based on specified criteria.
  • /protocol: Specifies the protocol to configure.
  • /service: Specifies the service to configure.
  • /interface: Specifies the interface to apply the command.

Using these options in combination can focus the command’s effects on specific network interfaces, services, or protocols.


Here are a few examples demonstrating common uses of NMBIND:

  1. List Current Bindings

    NMBIND /list

    This command will show all current network bindings.

  2. Enable a Protocol on an Interface

    NMBIND /enable /protocol TCP /interface "Ethernet 1"

    Enables the TCP protocol on the network interface named “Ethernet 1”.

  3. Disable a Service on All Interfaces

    NMBIND /disable /service "File Sharing"

    Disables the File Sharing service across all network interfaces.

Common Issues

Users might encounter a few common issues with NMBIND:

  • Permissions: Without sufficient privileges, NMBIND will fail. Run Command Prompt as an Administrator to solve this.
  • Incorrect Interface Name: Ensure the accuracy of the network interface names used in commands.
  • Protocol/Service Mismatch: Double-check the protocols or services are correctly spelled and applicable to the interface.


NMBIND can be integrated with other CMD commands or scripts to automate complex tasks like network setup or configuration changes. For example, you can combine NMBIND with netsh for comprehensive network configurations:

netsh interface ipv4 set address name="Ethernet 1" static
NMBIND /enable /protocol TCP /interface "Ethernet 1"

This script sets a static IP and then ensures the TCP protocol is enabled on “Ethernet 1”.

Related commands to NMBIND include:

  • netsh: Can also be used for network configuration and scripting.
  • ipconfig: Used for displaying all current TCP/IP network configuration values.

For further reading and background on network management in Windows CMD, refer to the Microsoft Documentation or resources like Windows Command Line Tools Guide.