
The TYPE command in Windows CMD is used to display the contents of a text file or files to the console (standard output). This command is primarily useful for viewing small files quickly directly in the command prompt without needing to open them in a text editor. It is typically used in batch files, debugging scripts, and when manually checking configuration files.


The basic syntax for the TYPE command is:

TYPE [drive:][path]filename
  • [drive:][path]filename: Specifies the file or files to display. Wildcards (e.g., * and ?) can be used to specify multiple files.

Concatenating Files

You can display the contents of multiple files sequentially by listing them with a space separator:

TYPE file1.txt file2.txt


The TYPE command does not have options or flags. Its functionality is straightforward—displaying the content of specified files on the screen.


  1. Viewing the Content of a Single File:
    Display the content of example.txt:

    TYPE example.txt
  2. Viewing Multiple Files:
    Display the contents of file1.txt and file2.txt sequentially:

    TYPE file1.txt file2.txt
  3. Using Wildcards:
    Display the contents of all .txt files in the current directory:

    TYPE *.txt

Common Issues

  • File Not Found Error:
    If you try to open a file that does not exist or misspell the filename, CMD will return an error: The system cannot find the file specified. Always verify the file names and paths.

  • Large Files:
    Using TYPE on very large files can flood your command prompt with too much text and can be very slow. Consider using more appropriate tools like text editors or commands like MORE or LESS for such files.

  • Binary Files:
    Attempting to TYPE a binary file (like an executable) can result in garbled output or beeping sounds in the CMD window. TYPE is best used with plain text files.


TYPE can be integrated with other commands for more powerful operations:

  • Redirect Output to a New File:
    Combine with redirection to create a concatenated file:

    TYPE file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt
  • Pipe to FIND to Search for Text:
    Use with FIND to search inside files:

    TYPE report.txt | FIND "error"
  • Check End of Log Files:
    Display the last 10 lines of each log:

    TYPE logs*.txt | MORE
  • MORE: Similar to TYPE but allows for pagination control when viewing the content.
  • COPY: Can be used to concatenate and copy files, similar to how TYPE can redirect output to create a new file.

For more information, consult the official Microsoft documentation or online resources such as tutorials or forums that discuss batch scripting and command-line tasks.