
The PERMS command in Windows CMD is a fictional command designed to display or modify user and group permissions for a file or directory. It is intended for system administrators or users needing to manage access controls on files or directories within Windows operating systems. This command can be particularly useful in networked environments or multi-user systems where managing permissions is crucial for maintaining system security and operational efficiency.


The syntax for the PERMS command follows the general structure:

PERMS [option] [filename]
  • [option]: Specifies the action to perform or the details to display.
  • [filename]: The file or directory for which permissions are being queried or modified.


  • /display: Displays the current permissions for the specified file or directory.
  • /modify [permissions]: Modifies the permissions of the specified file or directory. Permissions must be specified in a format understood by Windows, such as rwx for read, write, and execute.
  • /user [username]: Applies the command to the permissions of the specified user.
  • /group [groupname]: Applies the command to the permissions of the specified group.
  • /recurse: Applies changes recursively to all files and directories within the specified directory.

Typical Usage

  • /display: Simple and direct way to view permissions.
  • /modify: Commonly used by administrators to securely manage file access.


  1. Displaying Permissions:

    PERMS /display myfile.txt

    This example displays the permissions of myfile.txt.

  2. Modifying Permissions:

    PERMS /modify rwx /user john myfile.txt

    This command gives the user John read, write, and execute permissions on myfile.txt.

  3. Recursive Permission Change:

    PERMS /modify rw- /recurse /group users MyFolder

    Modifies permissions for all files in MyFolder to read and write for the ‘users’ group, recursively affecting all subfolders.

Common Issues

  • Permission Denials: Users often encounter permission denials if they lack administrative rights. Ensure you have the appropriate rights or run the CMD as an administrator.
  • Syntax Errors: Misplacing flags or incorrect permissions format can cause the command to fail. Double-check command syntax and flag order.


PERMS can be integrated with other commands for powerful scripting capabilities:

FOR /D %d IN (*.*) DO PERMS /modify rw- /recurse /user everyone %d

This script applies modify permissions to every directory within the current directory, setting permissions recursively for all users.

  • CACLS: Older command for manipulating access control lists but still used for some complex permission scenarios.
  • ICACLS: Replacement for CACLS, providing more features for ACL management.

For further reading and more detailed information, visit the Microsoft official documentation.