
The VOL command in Windows CMD displays the disk volume label and serial number of a specified drive. It is commonly used for verifying disk details, especially in environments where multiple drives are managed or when performing system maintenance tasks. This command is particularly useful in batch scripts and administrative routines to identify drives before executing operations on them.


To use the VOL command, the basic syntax is:

VOL [drive:]
  • [drive:] is the optional parameter where you can specify the drive letter followed by a colon. If no drive is specified, the command will display the volume label and serial number of the current drive.


The VOL command does not have additional flags or options. It is a straightforward command primarily used for displaying information about disk volumes.


  1. Display the Volume Label and Serial Number of the Current Drive:


    This command outputs the volume label and serial number of the disk that the current directory belongs to.

  2. Display the Volume Label and Serial Number of a Specific Drive:

    VOL D:

    Replace D: with the drive letter of interest. This command provides the details for the D drive.

Common Issues

  • Drive Not Recognized: If you specify a drive that does not exist or is not currently connected to the system, the command will return an error. Ensure the drive letter is correct and that the drive is properly connected.

  • No Volume Label: Some drives may not have a volume label set. In such cases, the command will display that no label is available without an error.


The VOL command can be effectively integrated with other CMD commands for more complex scripts and tasks. Below is an example of how VOL might be incorporated into a larger batch file:

@echo off
for %%d in (C: D: E:) do (
    echo Volume details for drive %%d:
    VOL %%d
    echo -----------------------------------

This script checks and outputs the volume labels and serial numbers for drives C:, D:, and E:, providing a clear separation of details for each drive.

  • DISKPART: While VOL displays the label and serial number, DISKPART offers comprehensive disk management capabilities, including creating, deleting, and formatting partitions.
  • LABEL: Used to create, change, or delete the volume label of a disk.

For more details and advanced usage, refer to the Microsoft official documentation available at Windows Command Line Documentation.