
The winmgmt command is related to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service, which is crucial for managing Windows. It’s mainly used to control the Windows Management Instrumentation service directly from the CMD. Winmgmt supports operations like resetting the WMI service, clearing the repository, or configuring WMI security. This command is useful in administrative scripts and troubleshooting WMI-related issues.


winmgmt [options]

This command should be run from an elevated command prompt (administrator privileges) to ensure it functions correctly across all its options.


  • /backup <RepositoryBackupPath> [backup-type]: Backs up the WMI repository to the specified path. The backup-type can be specified to fine-tune the backup.
  • /restore <RepositoryBackupPath> [restore-type]: Restores the WMI repository from a backup file located at RepositoryBackupPath. The restore-type helps manage the nature of the restore operation.
  • /resyncperf: Registers all the performance libraries that are installed in the system with WMI.
  • /standalonehost <HostName>: Moves all standard namespaces to the host specified by HostName and sets up the host so it cannot host any other namespaces.
  • /sharedhost: Reverses the effect of /standalonehost, returning the WMI service to its normal operation mode.
  • /salvagerepository: Verifies the integrity of the WMI repository and rebuilds it if necessary. Used in cases of suspected corruption.
  • /resetrepository: Resets the WMI repository to its initial state, which can help resolve issues with corrupted WMI data.


  1. Backing up the WMI Repository:

    winmgmt /backup c:\backup\wmibackup

    This command creates a backup of the WMI repository and saves it in the specified directory.

  2. Restoring the WMI Repository:

    winmgmt /restore c:\backup\wmibackup

    Restores the WMI repository from the specified backup file.

  3. Resynchronizing Performance Counters:

    winmgmt /resyncperf

    Use this command to help fix issues where WMI performance counters are not displaying data correctly.

Common Issues

  • Permission Errors: Running winmgmt without sufficient privileges can lead to access denied errors. Always run CMD as an administrator.
  • Repository Corruption: Frequent use of /resetrepository or /salvagerepository without proper understanding can lead to issues with system stability and performance. Use these flags only when necessary.


Combining winmgmt with other CMD commands can automate and enhance system management tasks. For example:

@echo off
winmgmt /backup c:\wmibackup
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
    echo Backup successful
) else (
    echo Backup failed

This script backs up the WMI repository and provides a basic error check with user feedback.

  • wbemtest: A graphical tool that allows users to test and troubleshoot WMI connectivity.
  • wmic: Command line (CLI) utility that provides a way to query WMI repositories and manipulate data and operations.

For further reading and more detailed information, consult the following links: