
The fsutil command is a versatile Windows Command-Line utility used for managing filesystems and related properties. It helps in performing tasks such as querying drive information, managing reparse points, working with volumes, and manipulating file and directory characteristics, among others. It is most effective in administrative tasks and is often used in scenarios requiring detailed filesystem analysis and maintenance.


The general syntax for fsutil is:

fsutil [subcommand] [parameters]

To get help for specific subcommands, use:

fsutil [subcommand] help

The subcommands and their syntax vary, each having its own set of parameters and options.


The fsutil command includes a variety of subcommands such as:

  • file – Performs tasks on files.
  • fsinfo – Displays filesystem information.
  • volume – Manages volume-related operations.
  • behavior – Queries or sets file system behavior.

Each subcommand comes with its own set of parameters and options, specifically tailored to perform various filesystem tasks. For example, the behavior subcommand can set or query the system cache level or the NTFS memory usage.


  1. Querying free space on a drive:

    fsutil volume diskfree C:

    This command displays the amount of free space available on the C: drive.

  2. Finding out the type of a file system:

    fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo C:

    This reveals information like the file system type on drive C:.

  3. Changing the file system behavior:

    fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1

    This command disables the logging of the last access time of files and folders.

Common Issues

  • Permissions: Running fsutil often requires administrator privileges. Users running it without sufficient permissions will encounter access denied errors.

  • Syntax Errors: Due to the complexity and variety of subcommands and options, syntax errors are common. Ensure command spellings and parameters are correct.

  • Understanding Output: The output of fsutil can be quite technical, making it difficult to understand without background knowledge.

Solution: Run CMD as administrator, carefully check the command syntax, and take time to understand or lookup output details.


The fsutil command can be integrated with other tools like robocopy for backup scripts or with batch scripting to automate disk checks or file management tasks:

@echo off
fsutil dirty query C:
if %errorlevel%==1 (
    echo The C: drive is dirty.
    rem Insert additional commands here to handle the dirty state

This script checks if the C: drive is dirty, a sign that the volume might need checking.

  • chkdsk – Checks disks for errors and repairs them if necessary.
  • diskpart – A command-line disk partitioning utility.
  • robocopy – A robust file copy command for Windows, useful for backup.

For additional details, Microsoft’s documentation can be found here.

This guide provides the necessary knowledge to utilize fsutil effectively in various system administration tasks. Understanding and applying the correct subcommands can greatly enhance filesystem management and maintenance capabilities.