
The SHARE command in Windows CMD is used to install file locking and file sharing functions in DOS-based systems. It essentially allows multiple users to share files over a network by managing access to files to prevent conflicts and data corruption. Although less relevant in modern Windows environments that handle file-sharing more robustly through the operating system itself, it can still be used for legacy purposes and specific administrative tasks.


The basic syntax for using the SHARE command is as follows:

SHARE [/F:space] [/L:locks]
  • /F:space Specifies the number of file sharing control buffers. Optional.
  • /L:locks Specifies the number of file locking control buffers. Optional.


  • /F:space: This option sets the number of file-sharing buffers. If not specified, a default value is used, which varies depending on the specific version and configuration of the DOS system.
  • /L:locks: This option sets the number of file lock buffers. Like the /F option, if it is not explicitly set, the system uses a default value.


  1. Basic Usage
    To start sharing with default settings:

  2. Specify Buffers
    To specify 40 file sharing buffers and 30 file locking buffers:

    SHARE /F:40 /L:30

Common Issues

  • Insufficient Memory Error: Users might encounter errors related to insufficient memory if the settings for buffers are too high. To solve this, adjust the buffer values to lower settings or increase the system’s memory.
  • Compatibility Issues: Since SHARE is designed primarily for DOS environments, it might not function as expected in modern Windows systems. Using features built into more recent versions of Windows for file sharing is recommended.


The SHARE command can be integrated with batch scripts to automate setting up environments in DOS emulators or on older systems where file sharing needs to be configured manually. For example:

@echo off
REM Setup file sharing with custom buffer settings
SHARE /F:50 /L:50

You can also use environmental variables or other CMD commands to conditionally configure the usage of SHARE based on system parameters.

  • NET SHARE: Used in modern Windows environments to share resources over a network.
  • NET USE: Connects, disconnects, and displays information about shared resources.

For users needing detailed guidance on file sharing or networking in Windows, refer to the Microsoft official documentation on Windows File Sharing. This site offers up-to-date and comprehensive information about managing shared resources in current Windows operating systems.