
The CMD command in Windows opens an instance of the Command Prompt, a command line interpreter application used to execute entered commands. It is primarily used for executing batch scripts, performing system administration tasks, and managing files and programs. Command Prompt is essential for tasks requiring more control than what is available through the graphical interface.


The full syntax for the CMD command is:

CMD [/C | /K] [/S] [/D] [/A | /U] [/Q] [/L] [/T:fg] [/E:ON | /E:OFF] [/F:ON | /F:OFF] [/V:ON | /V:OFF] [string]
  • /C: Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates.
  • /K: Carries out the command specified by string but remains.
  • /S: Modifies the treatment of string after /C or /K.
  • /D: Disables execution of AutoRun commands from registry.
  • /A: Forces the output to be ANSI.
  • /U: Forces the output to be Unicode.
  • /Q: Turns echo off.
  • /L: Has no effect.
  • /T:fg: Sets the background and foreground colors.
  • /E:ON or /E:OFF: Enables or disables command extensions.
  • /F:ON or /F:OFF: Enables or disables file and directory name completion.
  • /V:ON or /V:OFF: Enables or disables delayed environment variable expansion.

[string]: Specifies the command to be executed.


  • /C and /K are often used to run scripts or commands and control whether Command Prompt exits after execution.
  • /S ensures that any command line immediately following it is executed, ignoring any erroneous formatting or quotes.
  • /D is crucial when scripts must avoid interference from predefined registry commands.
  • /A and /U control the character encoding output, useful in scripts handling different data types.
  • /Q runs Command Prompt silently, which is beneficial for scripts executed without user interaction.
  • /T:fg allows temporary visual customization of the Command Prompt window, enhancing readability in different environments.
  • /E, /F, and /V provide deeper control over how CMD processes commands, affecting scripting flexibility and behavior.


  1. Executing a Batch File and Exiting:

    CMD /C batchfile.bat

    This runs batchfile.bat and then closes the window when done.

  2. Running Multiple Commands:

    CMD /K "cd \foldername & dir"

    This changes the directory to \foldername and lists the contents, keeping the Command Prompt open.

  3. Setting Command Prompt Color Temporarily:

    CMD /T:4F

    Temporarily sets background to red and text to white.

  4. Using Unicode Output:

    CMD /U /C dir > uni.txt

    Outputs directory listing in Unicode format to uni.txt.

Common Issues

  • Looping Scripts: If a script unintentionally calls itself without an exit condition, it may cause an infinite loop.
    • Solution: Ensure scripts have clear exit conditions and do not recursively call themselves without checks.
  • Character Encoding Issues: Incorrect output may appear if the wrong encoding option (/A or /U) is used.
    • Solution: Determine the required encoding format based on the data being handled.


Combine CMD with other commands to automate tasks. For instance, you can deploy a script that backs up files and then shuts down the computer:

CMD /C "xcopy C:\data D:\backup /S & shutdown /s"

This copies all files from C:\data to D:\backup recursively, then shuts down the system.

  • PowerShell: Offers more advanced features and scripting capabilities.
  • Batch script (.bat): Scripts executed within CMD for task automation.

For more information on CMD usage and features, refer to the official Microsoft Windows Command-Line documentation: Windows Command-Line Documentation.