
The CLS command in Windows Command Prompt (CMD) is used to clear the terminal screen, removing all previously executed commands and outputs from view. This command is especially useful in maintaining a clean and uncluttered interface for users working extensively in CMD, enabling them to focus on the current tasks without distraction from previous command outputs.


The syntax for the CLS command is straightforward as it does not take any parameters:



The CLS command does not have any options or flags. Its sole function is to clear the command prompt screen.


Here is a simple usage scenario for the CLS command:

  • To clear the screen after a series of command executions:

    REM A list of files and directories is displayed.
    REM The screen is now clear.

Common Issues

Issues: Users might expect the CLS command to reset the environment or terminate running processes, but CLS only clears the display, not the operational state of the CMD environment.

Solution: Educate users on the sole functionality of clearing the screen. For stopping processes or resetting environments, other commands need to be used.


The CLS command can be integrated into batch scripts to maintain clarity and readability of output, particularly in looping operations or after completing a complex task. Here is an example of integrating CLS in a script:

@echo off
echo Please wait, processing...
REM Insert processing commands here
timeout /t 5
goto begin

In this script, the CLS command is used inside a loop to clear the screen before presenting a new “Please wait” message every 5 seconds.

  • ECHO: Used to display messages in the command prompt, often used in conjunction with CLS to provide clear, user-defined messages after clearing the screen.
  • EXIT: Closes the Command Prompt window, a step beyond what CLS offers by just clearing the screen.

For detailed official documentation related to CMD commands, Microsoft provides extensive resources, which can be found on their official Windows Command Line documentation page.