


A Constant is a value in a computer program that remains unchanged throughout the program’s execution, and it is used to represent values that should not be modified.

What does Constant mean?

A constant in technology refers to an identifier whose value remains unchanged throughout the execution of a program. Unlike variables, constants cannot be modified once assigned a value. They provide a fixed and stable reference point in code.

Constants are typically named using uppercase letters, numeric or underscore characters, and their values are directly assigned. For example, in C++, a constant named PI can be declared with the value 3.14159 Like this:

const double PI = 3.14159;

Constant usage in code often involves referring to their name rather than their value. This practice enhances readability, avoids hard-coding of values, and facilitates code maintainability.


Constants play a crucial role in various technological applications:

  1. Configuration Management: Constants define and hold configuration parameters, such as database connection strings, API URLs, or system settings. This approach allows for easy configuration adjustments without modifying the code.

  2. Mathematical Calculations: Constants represent fixed mathematical values, such as π or the speed of light. They ensure precision and consistency in calculations.

  3. Type Checking: Constants can enforce type safety by ensuring that variables are assigned values of the correct Data Type.

  4. Resource Management: Constants are used to define file paths, Directory names, or other system resources, providing a consistent and reliable way to access external components.

  5. Error Handling: Constants can be used to define error codes or messages, making it easier to handle and troubleshoot errors.


The concept of constants has been present in programming languages since the early days of computing. In the 1950s, FORTRAN introduced the concept of “named constants” to allow programmers to assign fixed values to symbolic names.

Over time, constants have become an integral part of programming languages, with most modern languages providing support for declaring and using constants. The use of constants has evolved to encompass a wide range of applications, from configuration management to mathematical calculations.