

API (Application Programming Interface) is a defined interface that allows two separate software applications to communicate and exchange data. It acts as a messenger between different systems, allowing them to share data and functionality seamlessly.

What does API mean?

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols, routines, and tools that allow different applications to communicate and exchange data. It acts as a bridge between two or more software systems, facilitating seamless integration and data sharing.

APIs define the interactions between software components, specifying the methods, parameters, and expected responses. They provide a standardized way for external systems to access data, functionality, and services offered by other applications. By utilizing APIs, developers can build interconnected systems, automate tasks, and extend the capabilities of their applications.

APIs are typically implemented as either REST (Representational State Transfer) or SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) APIs. REST APIs use a set of predefined operations (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and rely on lightweight data formats like JSON or XML. SOAP APIs, on the other hand, use XML-based messages and follow a more structured approach.


APIs have become essential in modern technology, empowering developers to create innovative and interconnected systems. Key applications include:

  • Data Integration: APIs enable applications to seamlessly exchange and share data, facilitating real-time access to information from multiple sources.
  • Service Integration: APIs allow different applications to interact with each other, offering services such as payment processing, Social Media integration, and data analytics.
  • Mobile Development: APIs play a crucial role in mobile app development, providing access to device capabilities, cloud services, and third-party applications.
  • Automation: APIs automate tasks and workflows, streamlining business processes and reducing manual labor.
  • Rapid Application Development: By leveraging pre-built APIs, developers can accelerate application development and deliver faster time-to-market.

APIs foster innovation and collaboration by enabling developers to access and integrate best-in-class components into their applications. They empower companies to build scalable and Extensible software systems that meet the evolving needs of their customers.


The concept of APIs dates back to the early days of computing. In the 1960s, IBM introduced the System/360 architecture, which allowed different software components to communicate through a standardized interface. This concept later evolved into the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism, which enabled distributed computing applications to call procedures on remote systems.

In the 1990s, the advent of the internet and web services led to the development of web APIs. SOAP and REST emerged as the dominant protocols for web APIs, providing a standardized way for applications to interact over the internet.

Today, APIs are ubiquitous in the technology landscape. They underpin modern software development practices and enable the seamless integration of applications, data, and services. With the rise of cloud computing, serverless computing, and microservices, APIs have become even more critical for building scalable and resilient software systems.