


A directory is a hierarchical structure that stores and organizes files and other directories on a computer system. It provides a way to categorize and navigate data by creating nested folders within a virtual file system.

What does Directory mean?

In computing, a directory is a file system object that contains references to other files and directories. It is analogous to a folder in a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Directories are used to organize files and other directories into a hierarchical structure, making it easier to navigate and find the desired files.

Directories are typically represented by a path, which is a sequence of directory names separated by a delimiter (such as a forward slash “/” in Unix-like systems or a Backslash “\” in Windows). The root directory is the topmost directory in the hierarchy and is represented by a single forward slash. Each directory can contain multiple subdirectories and files.

Files and directories can have permissions that control who can access or modify them. Permissions can be set for individual users, groups, or everyone. For example, a file may be set to be readable by everyone, but only writable by the owner.


Directories are essential for organizing and managing files in computer systems. They allow users to group related files together and navigate through the file system efficiently. Directories are also used by applications to store Configuration files, temporary data, and other resources.

In web development, directories are used to organize website files. The root directory of a website typically contains the main HTML files, CSS files, and JavaScript files. Subdirectories can be used to store images, videos, and other resources.

In operating systems, directories are used to organize system files and user data. The root directory of an operating system typically contains the kernel, Boot loader, and other essential files. Subdirectories can be used to store user applications, libraries, and data.


The concept of directories originated in the early days of computing. In the 1950s, the UNIVAC I computer introduced the concept of a “file directory” to organize files on magnetic tape. The directory contained a list of file names and their locations on the tape.

In the 1960s, the MULTICS operating system introduced the concept of a hierarchical file system. The hierarchical file system organized files and directories into a tree-like structure, making it easier to navigate and find files.

The hierarchical file system concept was adopted by subsequent operating systems, including Unix, MS-DOS, and Windows. Today, directories are an essential part of all modern operating systems and file systems.