ALTER DATABASE | The ALTER DATABASE command modifies the attributes or configuration settings of an existing database. |
ALTER EVENT | The ALTER EVENT command in MySQL modifies the behavior and properties of an existing event. |
ALTER FUNCTION | ALTER FUNCTION modifies the definition of an existing function. |
ALTER PROCEDURE | The ALTER PROCEDURE command in MySQL allows for the modification of an existing stored procedure by adding, removing, or modifying its parameters, local variables, and SQL statements. |
ALTER TABLE | ALTER TABLE modifies the structure or settings of an existing MySQL table. |
ALTER TRIGGER | The ALTER TRIGGER command is used to modify an existing trigger in a MySQL database. |
ALTER USER | ALTER USER modifies user accounts in a MySQL database, including their privileges, password, roles, and other attributes. |
ALTER VIEW | ALTER VIEW alters the definition of an existing view in the current database. |
BACKUP TABLE | The BACKUP TABLE command in MySQL provides a mechanism to create a snapshot of a MySQL table and store it as a backup file on the server's local file system. |
BEGIN | The BEGIN command in MySQL initiates a transaction that groups multiple database operations together. |
CHECK TABLE | CHECK TABLE inspects a table to detect and report any discrepancies, errors, or inconsistencies within its structure or data. |
COMMIT | The COMMIT command in MySQL finalizes a transaction. |
CREATE DATABASE | CREATE DATABASE creates a new database within the MySQL server. |
CREATE EVENT | The CREATE EVENT command in MySQL is used to create and schedule the execution of an event at specific intervals. |
CREATE FUNCTION | CREATE FUNCTION creates a stored function in the current database for use in SQL statements. |
CREATE INDEX | The CREATE INDEX command in MySQL is used to create an index on a table column. |
CREATE PROCEDURE | The CREATE PROCEDURE command allows the creation of stored procedures in MySQL. |
CREATE TABLE | The CREATE TABLE command in MySQL creates a new table in a database. |
CREATE TRIGGER | CREATE TRIGGER defines a database trigger, a special type of stored procedure that automatically executes when a specific event occurs on a table (e.g., insert, update, delete). |
CREATE USER | The CREATE USER command creates a new user in the MySQL database. |
CREATE VIEW | The CREATE VIEW command in MySQL allows you to create a virtual table, or "view," that is derived from one or more existing tables. |
DELETE FROM | DELETE FROM removes rows from a database table that meet specific criteria. |
DESCRIBE | DESCRIBE provides metadata about a table or query result, including its columns, data types, and any indexes or constraints. |
DROP DATABASE | The DROP DATABASE command in MySQL permanently removes a specified database from the server. |
DROP EVENT | DROP EVENT permanently removes an event from the MySQL database. |
DROP FUNCTION | DROP FUNCTION removes a previously created stored or user-defined function from the MySQL database. |
DROP INDEX | DROP INDEX can be used in conjunction with other MySQL commands, such as ALTER TABLE and CREATE INDEX . |
DROP TABLE | DROP TABLE is a command used to permanently remove a table and all its data from a MySQL database. |
DROP TRIGGER | DROP TRIGGER removes a trigger from a database. |
DROP USER | DROP USER permanently removes a user account from the MySQL database server. |
DROP VIEW | The DROP VIEW command in MySQL removes a previously created database view. |
EXPLAIN | The EXPLAIN command provides detailed information about the execution plan chosen by MySQL to execute a given query. |
FLUSH PRIVILEGES | The FLUSH PRIVILEGES command in MySQL is used to force the server to reload the grant tables into memory. |
GRANT | GRANT authorizes privileges to specific users or roles on MySQL database objects like tables, views, or procedures. |
INSERT INTO | INSERT INTO is a MySQL command used to add a new row or rows to a table. |
LOAD DATA INFILE | LOAD DATA INFILE is a powerful MySQL command that enables the efficient ingestion of data from delimited text files, known as input files, into MySQL tables. |
LOCK TABLES | LOCK TABLES is used to acquire exclusive or shared locks on one or more tables in a MySQL database. |
OPTIMIZE TABLE | OPTIMIZE TABLE is a MySQL command used to optimize the performance of a table by rebuilding its internal structure and reorganizing its data for faster access. |
RELEASE SAVEPOINT | RELEASE SAVEPOINT releases a previously created savepoint. |
RENAME TABLE | The RENAME TABLE command in MySQL allows you to change the name of an existing table. |
RENAME USER | The RENAME USER command in MySQL is used to change the username for an existing user account in the database. |
REPAIR TABLE | REPAIR TABLE is a MySQL command used to check and repair damaged tables in a database. |
RESET QUERY CACHE | The RESET QUERY CACHE command in MySQL allows users to clear the query cache, which stores the results of previously executed queries for faster retrieval. |
RESTORE TABLE | The RESTORE TABLE command in MySQL is used to restore the data and structure of a database table from a previously created backup. |
ROLLBACK | ROLLBACK reverses all database changes made within the current transaction and returns the database to the state it was in before the transaction began. |
SAVEPOINT | SAVEPOINT is a transactional control command in MySQL used to mark a specific point within a transaction, allowing you to later roll back or release changes made after that point. |
SELECT | The SELECT command in MySQL retrieves data from one or more relational database tables. |
SET AUTOCOMMIT | The SET AUTOCOMMIT command controls whether autocommit mode is enabled or disabled for the current session. |
SET NAMES | The SET NAMES command allows you to specify the character set for the client connection. |
SET PASSWORD | The SET PASSWORD command modifies the password for the MySQL server user account specified in the syntax. |
SHOW COLUMNS | SHOW COLUMNS is a versatile command in MySQL used to display detailed information about the columns in a specified table. |
SHOW CREATE TABLE | SHOW CREATE TABLE displays the SQL statement used to create a specified table, including its schema, indexes, and constraints. |
SHOW CREATE VIEW | The SHOW CREATE VIEW command in MySQL provides a detailed description of a specified view's definition and structure. |
SHOW DATABASES | The SHOW DATABASES command displays a list of all databases that the current MySQL user has access to. |
SHOW ERRORS | SHOW ERRORS displays the last n errors generated by the MySQL server. |
SHOW INDEX | SHOW INDEX is a fundamental MySQL command utilized to display detailed information about indices defined on a specific table. |
SHOW PROCESSLIST | SHOW PROCESSLIST is a MySQL command that provides real-time information about all running threads and their activities within the database. |
SHOW PROFILES | The SHOW PROFILES command in MySQL provides insights into query performance by displaying profiling information for executed queries. |
SHOW STATUS | The SHOW STATUS command in MySQL displays the current status and values of system variables, connection information, and thread statistics. |
SHOW TABLES | The SHOW TABLES command in MySQL is used to list the names of all tables in the current database. |
SHOW VARIABLES | SHOW VARIABLES displays the values of configurable system variables and session variables. |
SHOW WARNINGS | The SHOW WARNINGS command in MySQL displays any warnings that have occurred during the execution of the previous statement or the most recent command. |
START TRANSACTION | START TRANSACTION initiates a new database transaction. |
TRUNCATE TABLE | TRUNCATE TABLE is a powerful command used to swiftly remove all rows from a table, effectively emptying it without affecting the table's structure or its indices. |
UPDATE | The UPDATE command modifies existing rows in a specified table by setting one or more column values. |
USE | The USE command in MySQL is used to switch to a specific database within the current MySQL session. |