VMAP File – What is .vmap file and how to open it?


VMAP File Extension

Valve Source 2 Uncompiled Map File – file format by Valve

VMAP (Valve Source 2 Uncompiled Map File) is a file extension associated with Valve’s Source 2 game engine. It contains level and map data for games created with the engine, such as Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The file is in an uncompiled format, meaning it needs to be processed by the engine before it can be used in the game.

VMAP File Format

A Valve Source 2 Uncompiled Map File, with the .VMAP extension, is an intermediate representation of a Source 2 game map. It is a text-based file that contains a detailed description of the map’s geometry, textures, lighting, and other gameplay elements. Unlike compiled map files (.BSP), which contain only the optimized binary data necessary for the game to render and play the map, VMAP files are human-readable and can be edited with any plain text editor.


VMAP files are used in the development of Source 2 maps. They are created by map designers using Valve’s Hammer editor and can be compiled into .BSP files for use in the game engine. VMAP files are also used for collaboration between map designers, as they can be easily shared and edited, allowing for multiple designers to work on the same map simultaneously.

Advantages of VMAP Files

VMAP files offer several advantages over .BSP files for map development. First, their text-based format makes them much easier to read and edit than .BSP files, which require specialized tools. Second, VMAP files contain more detailed information about the map’s structure and elements, which can be useful for troubleshooting issues or making changes to the map. Third, VMAP files can be compiled into .BSP files multiple times without losing any data, which allows for iterative development and testing of the map.

Opening VMAP Files Using the Valve Hammer Editor

VMAP files, or Valve Source 2 Uncompiled Map Files, are created using the Valve Hammer Editor. To open a VMAP file, you will need to have the Valve Hammer Editor installed on your computer. Once you have installed the Valve Hammer Editor, you can open a VMAP file by following these steps:

  1. Launch the Valve Hammer Editor.
  2. Click on the “File” menu and select “Open”.
  3. Navigate to the location of the VMAP file you want to open.
  4. Select the VMAP file and click on the “Open” button.

Using VMAP Files in Source 2 Games

VMAP files are used to create maps for Source 2 games, such as Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Team Fortress 2. Once you have created a VMAP file, you can compile it into a BSP file using the Valve Hammer Editor. BSP files are the compiled versions of VMAP files, and they can be loaded into Source 2 games.

To compile a VMAP file into a BSP file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the VMAP file in the Valve Hammer Editor.
  2. Click on the “Compile” menu and select “Compile to BSP”.
  3. Enter a name for the BSP file and click on the “Save” button.

Once you have compiled a VMAP file into a BSP file, you can load it into a Source 2 game by following these steps:

  1. Launch the Source 2 game.
  2. Click on the “Maps” menu and select “Load Map”.
  3. Navigate to the location of the BSP file you want to load.
  4. Select the BSP file and click on the “Load” button.

VMAP Files: Uncompiled Maps for Valve Source 2

VMAP files are uncompiled map files used within Valve’s Source 2 game engine. They contain the raw data for the map’s geometry, textures, lighting, and other environmental elements. Before the maps can be loaded into a game, they must be compiled into a .BSP (Binary Space Partition) file, which optimizes the data for faster loading and rendering.

VMAP files are typically created using Valve’s Hammer editor, which provides a visual interface for designing and editing maps. They allow level designers to create complex and detailed environments with a range of interactive elements, such as doors, triggers, and physics objects. The VMAP format is XML-based, making it human-readable and accessible for editing with text editors. This enables level designers to modify the map’s structure, add or remove objects, and adjust lighting and material properties as needed.

File Structure and Compilation

VMAP files are organized into sections that define the various aspects of the map. These sections include:

  • World: Defines the map’s geometry, including walls, floors, and other physical objects.
  • Entities: Lists all interactive objects in the map, such as enemies, pickups, and triggers.
  • Lighting: Specifies the map’s lighting conditions, including light sources, shadows, and global illumination.
  • Materials: Defines the textures and materials used in the map, including their appearance, physics properties, and shader effects.

Once a VMAP file is complete, it must be compiled into a BSP file using Valve’s VBSP (Valve BSP) compiler. The compilation process optimizes the map’s data for faster loading and rendering, creating a file that can be directly loaded into the game engine. The resulting BSP file is typically much smaller than the original VMAP file, as it removes unnecessary data and precomputes certain calculations to improve performance.

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