TIMER File – What is .timer file and how to open it?


TIMER File Extension

Systemd Unit Configuration File – file format by Lennart Poettering and Kay Sievers

TIMER is a systemd unit configuration file that defines a systemd timer unit. It specifies the schedule for when the unit should be activated and the actions to be taken when it is activated.

Systemd Unit Configuration File (TIMER)

A TIMER file is a systemd unit configuration file that defines settings and behavior for systemd timers. Systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems, and timers are used to schedule tasks to run at specific intervals or at specific times. TIMER files control various aspects of these timers, such as their activation triggers, execution commands, and dependencies on other system units.

TIMER files follow a specific syntax and structure, allowing administrators to configure various options for their timers. These options include setting the timer’s activation interval, defining the command or script to be executed when the timer activates, and specifying the dependencies or requirements that must be met for the timer to run. Additionally, TIMER files can configure options related to timer persistence, error handling, and resource allocation. By customizing TIMER files, administrators can tailor systemd timers to automate specific tasks and schedule events according to their specific requirements.

Opening TIMER Files in Linux

TIMER files are configuration files used by systemd, a system and service manager for Linux-based operating systems. These files define the behavior and scheduling of timers, which are used to perform specific tasks at scheduled intervals or specific times. To open a TIMER file, you can use any text editor, such as nano, vim, or gedit. Simply open the file from the command line or from the file manager.


To open the timer file for the “my-timer” service using nano, enter the following command:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/my-timer.timer

Editing and Saving TIMER Files

Once the file is open, you can edit the configuration options as needed. The most important options include:

  • Unit: The name of the service that the timer controls.
  • Description: A brief description of the timer.
  • OnCalendar: Specify a specific time or date when the timer should run.
  • OnUnitActiveSec: Run the timer when a specific unit becomes active.
  • RemainAfterExit: Keep the timer active even after the unit has finished running.

After making any changes, save the file by pressing Ctrl+O and then exit the editor by pressing Ctrl+X. The changes will be applied automatically.

Systemd Unit Configuration Files (.TIMER)

A systemd unit configuration file with the extension .TIMER defines a timer-based action or job that is scheduled by the systemd service manager. It contains instructions on when and how to execute specific tasks, typically at regular intervals or specific points in time. TIMER files are typically used to automate recurring tasks, such as backups, system checks, or log rotations.

The syntax of a .TIMER file is similar to other systemd unit configuration files. It consists of sections that define various settings and directives. Key sections include the [Timer] section, which specifies the scheduling parameters, such as the unit to activate, the start time, and the repeat interval. The [Install] section, if present, determines how the timer is installed and enabled or disabled. Additionally, systemd supports drop-in configuration files that allow users to override or extend the default settings defined in the main .TIMER file.

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