SUS File – What is .sus file and how to open it?


SUS File Extension

Transactionware GM Suspended Transaction – file format by SAP

The SUS file extension is used for Transactionware GM Suspended Transaction files developed by SAP. These files are used to store transactions that have been suspended in the Transactionware GM system.

What is a SUS File? (Paragraph 1)

A SUS file is a Transactionware GM Suspended Transaction file created by SAP. These files contain information about suspended transactions in Transactionware GM, a software application for managing transactions and business processes. SUS files store data such as the transaction ID, transaction status, suspension reason, and timestamps. They enable the restoration and resumption of suspended transactions, ensuring data integrity and business continuity.

Additional Information about SUS Files (Paragraph 2)

SUS files are crucial for troubleshooting and recovery purposes. They provide a detailed history of suspended transactions, allowing users to identify the cause of suspension and take appropriate corrective actions. Additionally, SUS files can be used to export and import suspended transactions between different Transactionware GM systems, facilitating data exchange and system migration. The ability to manage and restore suspended transactions enhances system reliability and minimizes the impact of unexpected interruptions or system failures.

What is a SUS file?

A SUS file is a file used by SAP to store data for suspended transactions. It is typically created when a transaction is not completed successfully and needs to be restored at a later time. SUS files can be opened using the SAP GUI, which is a graphical user interface for working with SAP systems.

How to open a SUS file

To open a SUS file, you will need to have the SAP GUI installed on your computer. Once you have the SAP GUI installed, you can open a SUS file by navigating to the file in the file browser and double-clicking on it. The SAP GUI will then open the SUS file and display the data that is stored in it.

Additional information

SUS files can also be opened using a text editor, but this is not recommended as it may damage the file. If you need to edit a SUS file, it is best to use the SAP GUI.

SUS File Format

SUS files are used by SAP’s Transactionware middleware platform to store suspended transactions. When a transaction cannot be completed immediately due to system issues or other factors, it is placed in a “suspended” state and stored in a SUS file. The SUS file contains all the necessary information about the transaction, including the transaction data, the context in which the transaction was running, and the reason for the suspension.

Role in Transactionware

Transactionware is a distributed transaction processing middleware that enables applications to execute transactions across multiple systems and databases. When a transaction is suspended, Transactionware saves the transaction state in a SUS file to ensure that the transaction can be resumed and completed later, even if the original system or application becomes unavailable. Transactionware uses the information in the SUS file to restart the transaction from the point of suspension, ensuring data integrity and application consistency.

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