PAR2 File – What is .par2 file and how to open it?


PAR2 File Extension

Parchive 2 File – file format by Parchive

PAR2 is a file extension for Parchive 2 File, a data recovery tool that uses redundant error correction codes for archiving and error correction. It allows users to create redundant “recovery volumes” to protect against data loss in case of corrupted or missing files.

What is a PAR2 File?

A PAR2 file is a data recovery record that complements a set of data files. It contains redundant information that can be used to recover the original files if any of them are damaged or lost. PAR2 files are typically used to ensure the integrity of large file sets, such as software distributions, ISO images, and video archives.

How PAR2 Files Work

PAR2 files use a Reed-Solomon error correction code to generate redundant data blocks. These blocks are stored in the PAR2 file and can be used to recover missing or damaged data in the original file set. When a file is damaged, the PAR2 file can be used to reconstruct the missing or damaged data by combining the redundant data blocks. This process requires a minimum number of intact data files and redundant data blocks to be successful.

Opening PAR2 Files with Dedicated Software

Opening PAR2 files requires specific software designed to process this file format. One popular option is PAR2cmdline, a command-line tool that allows you to verify and recover corrupted files within a PAR2 archive. To use PAR2cmdline, download it from its official website and open your PAR2 file by typing the following command in the command prompt:

par2cmdline -r PAR2-filename.par2

This command will verify the integrity of the files and repair any damaged data. Alternatively, you can use other software such as QuickPar or PAR Helper, which provide graphical user interfaces for handling PAR2 files.

Opening PAR2 Files via ZIP Extraction

Some operating systems, such as Windows, allow you to open PAR2 files directly without requiring additional software. Windows treats PAR2 files as ZIP archives, enabling you to extract the contents using built-in file managers like Windows Explorer or File Explorer. To do this, right-click on the PAR2 file and select “Extract All.” Choose a destination folder and click “Extract” to extract the files within the archive. This method is convenient if you only need to extract the files without verifying or repairing them.

What is a PAR2 File?

A PAR2 file, an abbreviation for Parchive 2 file, is a file format primarily utilized for data recovery and error correction. It was conceptualized and designed by Peter W. Kremers, who also developed the associated PAR2 utility. PAR2 files serve as containers for what are known as “parity blocks,” which are additional data generated through a mathematical algorithm based on the original data stored in multiple files. These parity blocks can be used to reconstruct any missing or corrupted portions of the original data.

How PAR2 Files Work

When a group of files is archived with PAR2, the PAR2 utility generates a set of parity blocks based on the data in those files. The parity blocks are appended to a PAR2 file. If any of the original files are later damaged or lost, the missing data can be reconstructed using the parity blocks. The number of parity blocks generated can be customized, typically ranging from 1 to 10%, with 1% being adequate for most practical purposes. The higher the percentage of parity blocks, the greater the redundancy and the more robust the protection against data loss.

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