HHK File – What is .hhk file and how to open it?


HHK File Extension

HTML Help Index – file format by Microsoft

HHK file extension stands for HTML Help Index file. It is an XML-based file format used in Microsoft’s Windows operating systems for storing the index information for HTML Help files(.CHM).

HHK File Format

A HHK file is an HTML Help Index file. It is a plain text file that defines the structure and content of an HTML Help file (.chm). The HHK file contains references to the HTML files, images, and other resources that make up the HTML Help file. It also contains information about the organization and structure of the help file, such as the table of contents, index, and search keywords. The HHK file is used by the HTML Help Workshop to generate the .chm file.

Creating and Editing HHK Files

HHK files can be created and edited using a text editor or a dedicated HTML Help authoring tool. To create a new HHK file, you will need to specify the following information:

  • The title of the HTML Help file
  • The location of the HTML files that will be included in the help file
  • The table of contents for the help file
  • The index for the help file
  • The search keywords for the help file

You can also add additional information to the HHK file, such as custom properties, macros, and scripts. Once you have created the HHK file, you can use the HTML Help Workshop to generate the .chm file.

Locating HHK Files

HHK files are typically found in the root directory of software applications or help documentation. They are not standalone files but rather references to other files within the application’s help system. Double-clicking on an HHK file will not open the file itself but will launch the associated application’s help system.

Opening HHK Files in a Web Browser

To view the contents of an HHK file outside the application’s help system, you can open it in a web browser. The HHK file is essentially an HTML document with a specific structure that provides links to other HTML pages, images, and other resources. To do this:

  1. Choose any web browser and open the File menu.
  2. Select “Open File” or “Open.”
  3. Navigate to the location of the HHK file and select it.
  4. Click “Open” to view the HHK file in the web browser.

Remember that when opening an HHK file in a web browser, the linked resources (such as images and other HTML pages) may not be available if they are not included in the same directory as the HHK file.

HHK File Format

HHK (HTML Help Index) files are an integral part of Microsoft’s Windows HTML Help system. They act as an index or table of contents, providing a structured hierarchical representation of the help content. These files contain links to help topics organized into a tree-like structure. By utilizing keywords, phrases, and annotations within HHK files, users can quickly navigate and access specific help information.

Creation and Editing of HHK Files

HHK files can be created and edited using various tools, including the Help Workshop tool included in the Windows SDK. The process involves defining the hierarchical structure, adding help topics, and specifying metadata. Help authors typically create the HHK file as a companion to the HTML help content files (.CHM). By incorporating keywords, phrases, and annotations, they enhance the searchability and navigability of the help system, making it easier for users to find the information they need efficiently.

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