LASTLOGIN File – What is .lastlogin file and how to open it?


LASTLOGIN File Extension

Minecraft User Credential File – file format by N/A

The LASTLOGIN file extension is associated with the Minecraft game and stores user credentials, including the player’s username and encrypted password. It is used to automatically log in to the game without having to enter the credentials manually.

Format and Purpose of LASTLOGIN Files

LASTLOGIN files serve as configuration files used by the Minecraft Java Edition game client. They contain credentials, primarily the player’s username and offline UUID, which are necessary for accessing Minecraft servers that are not running in offline mode. The file itself is a simple text document, often empty or containing a single line of information.

Location and Usage

LASTLOGIN files are typically stored in the “saves” folder within the Minecraft game directory. The specific location may vary depending on the operating system. Upon encountering a non-offline server, the game client will attempt to locate the LASTLOGIN file and extract the player’s credentials from it. These credentials are then used to authenticate the player’s identity with the server, allowing them to join the game.

If the LASTLOGIN file is not present or does not contain valid credentials, the client will prompt the player to log in using their Minecraft account. This ensures that players can access their accounts even if they have not played on a particular server before.


The LASTLOGIN file is a text file used by the popular video game Minecraft to store the most recent login date and IP addresses of users on individual player accounts. It contains a single line of text, structured specifically to record the player’s in-game UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) followed by a colon, the most recent login timestamp in epoch format, another colon, and finally a comma-separated list of IP addresses associated with the account’s recent login activity. Each line represents a unique player, and multiple lines can exist within a single LASTLOGIN file.

Opening and Viewing LASTLOGIN Files

LASTLOGIN files are plain text files and can be opened and viewed using any text editor or word processor. Common options include Notepad, TextEdit, Microsoft Word, or Google Docs. Simply navigate to the file location, right-click on the file, and select “Open with” to choose your desired text editor or word processor. Once opened, the file will display the aforementioned information for each player account. It is important to note that LASTLOGIN files are not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone with access to the file system.

Definition and Purpose of .LASTLOGIN Files

.LASTLOGIN files are used in conjunction with the popular video game Minecraft to store user credentials. These files contain information such as the username, session token, and unique identifier (UUID) associated with a player’s Minecraft account. The file’s primary purpose is to facilitate the login process, allowing players to quickly access their accounts without re-entering their credentials each time they launch the game.

Location and Access

.LASTLOGIN files are typically located in the user’s Minecraft data directory, which can vary depending on the operating system. On Windows, it can be found at:


On macOS:

~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/launcher_profiles.json

On Linux:


To access the .LASTLOGIN file, users can open the launcher_profiles.json file in a text editor or use a Minecraft account management tool.

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