AU File – What is .au file and how to open it?


AU File Extension

Audacity Audio File – file format by Audacity

AU (Audacity Audio File) is a file format created by Audacity, an open-source audio editing software. It stores uncompressed audio data in a format that is compatible with various operating systems and software, making it a convenient option for audio editing and distribution.

AU File Format

An AU file is an uncompressed audio file format developed by Sun Microsystems for the NeXTSTEP operating system. It is a simple format that stores audio data in a linear PCM format, with a header that contains information such as the sample rate, number of channels, and data size. AU files are typically used for storing and exchanging high-quality audio recordings.

Key Features

  • Uncompressed: AU files store audio data in a raw, uncompressed format, resulting in high-quality audio that is suitable for professional applications.
  • Cross-Platform: AU files are supported by a wide range of audio software and operating systems, making them a convenient format for sharing audio across different platforms.
  • Metadata Header: The AU file header contains metadata about the audio, including the sample rate, number of channels, and data size. This information allows audio software to properly interpret and play the audio data.

Playing AU Files

AU files, or Audacity Audio Files, are created using the Audacity audio editing software. To open an AU file, you will need to install Audacity on your computer. Once Audacity is installed, you can open an AU file by dragging and dropping it onto the Audacity window or by selecting “Open” from the “File” menu and navigating to the AU file.

Converting AU Files

If you do not have Audacity installed or if you need to convert an AU file to a different audio format, you can use a free online audio converter. There are many online audio converters available, so you can choose one that you like and that supports the file format you need to convert to. Once you have selected an online audio converter, you can upload your AU file and select the format you want to convert it to. The converter will then convert the file and provide you with a download link.

Audacity Audio File Format

The AU file format is a sound file format developed by Audacity, a free and open-source audio editing software. It is designed for storing uncompressed audio data and is commonly used for recording and editing audio clips. The AU format supports various audio formats, including samples with 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit depth, and sample rates ranging from 8 kHz to 48 kHz. It uses a simple header structure that specifies the format parameters, such as the number of channels, sample rate, and bit depth. The AU format is compatible with most audio editing software, making it a versatile choice for audio professionals and hobbyists alike.

Advantages and Limitations

One of the main advantages of the AU format is its simplicity and wide compatibility. Its straightforward header structure allows for easy decoding and playback across different platforms. However, due to its uncompressed nature, AU files can become quite large, especially for long recordings. Additionally, the lack of support for metadata and compression limits its use in applications where file size and portability are critical. Despite these limitations, the AU format remains a valuable option for storing high-quality audio recordings when file size is not a significant concern.

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