APPREF-MS File – What is .appref-ms file and how to open it?


APPREF-MS File Extension

Microsoft Application Reference File – file format by Microsoft

APPREF-MS is a file extension for a Microsoft Application Reference File. It is a binary file that contains information about the applications installed on a computer, including the application name, version, and location. It is used by the Windows operating system to manage applications and to provide information about them to users.

APPREF-MS: Microsoft Application Reference File

A Microsoft Application Reference File (APPREF-MS) is a system file associated with the Microsoft Windows operating system. It contains references to applications and their associated file types, enabling the system to identify and launch the appropriate application when a specific file is opened. The APPREF-MS file plays a crucial role in the seamless integration of various applications within the Windows environment.

The APPREF-MS file is typically stored in the Windows Registry under the ‘HKEYCLASSESROOT’ key. Each entry in the file consists of a file extension, followed by a reference to the application associated with that file type. This reference is expressed in the form of a Registry key that points to the application’s executable file (.EXE or .DLL). When a user double-clicks on a file, Windows searches the APPREF-MS file for the corresponding file extension and retrieves the associated application reference. The system then launches the specified application, which in turn opens the file.

What is an APPREF-MS file?

An APPREF-MS file is a Microsoft Application Reference File that stores information about installed applications on a Windows operating system. It contains data such as the application’s name, version, publisher, and file path. APPREF-MS files are automatically generated by Windows when you install a new application and are used by the operating system to manage and track installed software. They are typically located in the %ProgramData%\Microsoft\AppInfo directory.

How to Open an APPREF-MS File

APPREF-MS files are not designed to be opened manually by users. They are only used by Windows internally to manage installed applications. However, you can indirectly view the information contained in an APPREF-MS file by using the Windows Registry Editor.

To open the Registry Editor, press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box. Type “regedit” and press Enter. Navigate to the following registry key:


Under this key, you will find subkeys for installed applications. Each subkey contains information about the corresponding application, including the APPREF-MS file path.

APPREF-MS File Format

An APPREF-MS file is a Microsoft Application Reference File that serves as a metadata repository for applications installed on a Windows operating system. It contains information such as the application name, version, publisher, installation date, and other relevant details. This file is utilized by Windows to provide users with a central location to access information about installed applications, including their current status, available updates, and uninstall options.

Significance and Usage

The APPREF-MS file plays a crucial role in managing applications within the Windows ecosystem. It enables users to easily track the installation history of applications, identify outdated versions, and facilitate the removal of unwanted software. Additionally, the file provides a standardized format for storing application metadata, allowing third-party tools and utilities to access and process this information for various purposes, such as software audits, license management, and system optimization. By maintaining a comprehensive record of installed applications, the APPREF-MS file contributes to the smooth operation, stability, and security of Windows systems.

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