XOJO_XML_MENU File – What is .xojo_xml_menu file and how to open it?


XOJO_XML_MENU File Extension

Xojo XML Menu File – file format by Xojo, Inc.

XOJOXMLMENU (Xojo XML Menu File) is a serialized XML file that defines the menu structure for a Xojo application. It contains information about the menu items, their labels, shortcuts, and other properties.


A XOJOXMLMENU file is an XML-based format used to store the structure and content of menus in the Xojo programming environment. It defines the hierarchy of menu items, including their text, icons, and actions. This file format enables developers to easily create and manage complex menu systems without manually coding each individual menu item.

Structure and Content

The XOJOXMLMENU file consists of an XML document structured with <menu> and <item> elements. The <menu> element serves as the root element, containing one or more <item> elements. Each <item> element represents a menu item and can have attributes such as text, icon, and action. The text attribute specifies the display text of the menu item, while the icon attribute points to an image file for the menu item’s icon. The action attribute defines the action to be performed when the menu item is clicked, which can be a custom script or a built-in Xojo action.

Opening Xojo XML Menu Files

Xojo XML Menu files (.XOJOXMLMENU) are text-based files that store information about menus in Xojo programming language. They define the structure and content of menus, including the menu items, their labels, icons, and any associated actions. These files are used by Xojo to generate menu bar and context menu interfaces for desktop and mobile applications.

To open a Xojo XML Menu file, you need a text editor or a program that supports the editing of XML files. Some popular text editors that can open these files include Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Atom. You can also use the Xojo Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which provides a dedicated editor for working with Xojo XML Menu files.

Understanding Xojo XML Menu File Structure

Xojo XML Menu files follow a specific XML schema that defines the elements and attributes used to represent the menu structure. The root element of the file is <menu>, which contains one or more <item> elements. Each <item> element represents a menu item and can have attributes such as label, icon, and action.

Additionally, the XML file can include <group> elements to create hierarchical menus. A <group> element can contain multiple <item> and <group> elements to form nested menus. The <separator> element can be used to create separators between menu items.

Editing and Saving Xojo XML Menu Files

When editing a Xojo XML Menu file, it’s important to ensure that the XML structure is valid and follows the schema. You should also use proper indentation and line breaks to improve readability. After making changes to the file, you can save it in the .XOJOXMLMENU format.

Xojo will automatically load and apply the changes to the menu interface when the application is built or run. You can also preview the menu using the “Menu Preview” feature in the Xojo IDE.


The Xojo XML Menu File (XOJOXMLMENU) is a file format used by the Xojo development environment to store menu definitions in an XML-based format. It allows developers to define the structure and content of menus within their Xojo applications. The file contains information such as menu items, their labels, tooltips, shortcuts, and any associated actions or commands.

By using the XOJOXMLMENU format, developers can easily create and modify menu structures, separating them from the code logic. This approach enhances code organization and simplifies menu management, allowing developers to make changes to the menu layout and functionality without affecting the underlying application code. Additionally, the XML format enables developers to import and export menu definitions, facilitating collaboration and code sharing among team members.

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