Vertical Align Middle


Vertical Align Middle

Vertical Align Middle (VAlign) is a text or image alignment option that aligns the content to the middle of the height of the surrounding context, creating a consistent and visually appealing arrangement. It ensures that the content is vertically centered within its container, regardless of its size or the amount of surrounding blank space.

What does Vertical Align Middle mean?

In typography and web design, Vertical Align Middle is a text alignment property that aligns the center of the text with the middle of the containing element. Unlike the standard vertical alignment options (top, middle, bottom), which align the baseline of the text, Vertical Align Middle aligns the midpoint of the text.

When applying Vertical Align Middle, the text is vertically centered within a line, Column, or any other surrounding element. This alignment Method is commonly used in web development to create aesthetically pleasing and visually balanced designs. It ensures that text elements are vertically aligned with each other, enhancing readability and visual appeal.


Vertical Align Middle finds wide application in various technology areas:

  • Web Development:
  • Centering text within containers for improved visual alignment
  • Aligning images or other non-text elements with text content

  • User Interface Design:

  • Creating visually balanced dashboards and interfaces
  • Aligning labels with input fields or other interactive elements

  • Typography and Design:

  • Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of text layouts
  • Aligning headings and subheadings with surrounding elements

  • E-commerce:

  • Vertically centering product names and descriptions
  • Aligning call-to-action buttons with product images


The concept of Vertical Align Middle has been used in typography for centuries. In traditional print and manuscript design, it was achieved through careful spacing and manual adjustment. However, with the advent of digital publishing and web development, the need for an automated and consistent alignment method arose.

The “vertical-align” CSS property, which introduced Vertical Align Middle, was introduced in CSS Level 2.1 (released in 2011). This property allowed developers to specify the vertical alignment of text within various elements. Vertical Align Middle became a popular choice for aligning text vertically, as it provided greater control and Consistency compared to traditional manual methods.