


A method in computer programming defines a set of instructions that perform a specific task, encapsulates related code, and can be invoked with arguments to execute the task. It is a reusable code block that improves code organization, readability, and maintainability.

What does Method mean?

In software engineering and Object-Oriented programming, a method is a function that is associated with an object. Methods are used to access the object’s data and perform operations on it.

Methods are typically declared as part of a class definition. For example, the following Java code defines a class called Employee with two methods: getName and setName:

public class Employee {

private String name;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;


The following code creates an instance of the Employee class and uses the getName and setName methods to access and modify the object’s name property:

Employee employee = new Employee();
employee.setName("John Doe");
String name = employee.getName();

Methods can be either public, protected, or private. Public methods can be accessed from anywhere in the program. Protected methods can be accessed from anywhere within the same package or subclass of the class that declares the method. Private methods can only be accessed from within the class that declares the method.

Methods can take parameters and return values. The parameters are specified in the method declaration, and the return value is specified after the method name. For example, the following Java code defines a method that takes two integer parameters and returns an integer:

public int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;

Methods are an essential part of object-oriented programming. They allow objects to interact with each other and to perform operations on their data.


Methods are used in a wide variety of applications in technology Today. Some of the most common applications include:

  • Object-oriented programming: Methods are a fundamental part of object-oriented programming. They allow objects to encapsulate data and behavior, and they make it possible to create complex systems by combining multiple objects.
  • Web development: Methods are used extensively in web development to handle requests from clients and generate responses. For example, a web server might use methods to process form data, validate user Input, and generate web pages.
  • Databases: Methods are used in databases to perform operations on data. For example, a database might use methods to create new records, update existing records, and delete records.
  • Operating systems: Methods are used in operating systems to manage resources and provide services to applications. For example, an operating system might use methods to manage memory, processes, and files.


The concept of methods has been around for centuries. In the early days of computing, methods were known as subroutines or functions. However, the term “method” is now widely used in object-oriented programming to refer to functions that are associated with objects.

The first programming language to support methods was Simula, which was developed in the late 1960s. Simula was a direct precursor to object-oriented programming languages such as Java and C++.

Methods have become increasingly important in technology as software systems have become more complex. Methods allow developers to create modular and reusable code that can be combined to create larger and more complex systems.