Unary Operator


Unary Operator

A unary operator is a computer operation that acts on a single operand, transforming it into a new value or performing a specific calculation on it. It can be used for various purposes, such as incrementing, decrementing, or negating a value.

What does Unary Operator mean?

A unary operator in Computer Science and mathematics is an operation that takes a single operand. It is contrasted with binary Operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, which take two operands. Unary operators can be prefixed, meaning they come before the operand, or suffixed, meaning they come after the operand. For example, the negation operator ‘-‘ is a prefixed unary operator, while the factorial operator ‘!’ is a suffixed unary operator.

Unary operators are essential for a variety of tasks in programming and mathematics. They can be used to negate values, perform logical operations, and manipulate data types. For example, the negation operator can be used to reverse the sign of a number, the logical NOT operator can be used to invert the truth value of a Boolean expression, and the unary plus operator can be used to convert a string to a number.


Unary operators are used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Mathematics: Unary operators are used in mathematics to perform a variety of operations, such as negation, logical operations, and Data Type manipulation.
  • Programming: Unary operators are used in programming languages to perform a variety of tasks, such as incrementing and decrementing variables, negating values, and performing logical operations.
  • Databases: Unary operators are used in databases to perform a variety of operations on data, such as negation, logical operations, and data type manipulation.
  • Computer graphics: Unary operators are used in computer graphics to perform a variety of operations on images and graphics, such as negation, logical operations, and data type manipulation.


Unary operators have been used in mathematics for centuries. The negation operator ‘-‘ was first used in the 13th century by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci. The logical NOT operator ‘!’ was first used in the 19th century by the English mathematician George Boole.

Unary operators were introduced to programming languages in the early days of computing. The first Programming Language to support unary operators was LISP, which was developed in the 1950s. Since then, unary operators have become a standard feature of most programming languages.