


Boolean refers to a logical system that utilizes only two states, True or False, to represent logical values and perform calculations based on logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT. Boolean logic is fundamental in computer science and underpins many digital systems.

What does Boolean mean?

In computer science, a Boolean is a data type that has only two possible values: true or false. It is named after George Boole, a 19th-century mathematician who developed a system of logic that uses only two values.

Boolean values are often used to represent the truth or falsity of a statement. For example, the statement “The sky is blue” could be represented by the Boolean value true, while the statement “The sky is green” could be represented by the Boolean value false.

Boolean values can also be used to represent other concepts, such as whether a user has logged in to a website or whether a File exists on a computer.


Booleans are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Logic circuits: Boolean values are used to represent the State of logic gates in logic circuits. This allows engineers to design circuits that can perform complex logical operations.
  • Computer programming: Boolean values are used to control the flow of execution in computer programs. For example, a Boolean value can be used to determine whether a particular statement should be executed or not.
  • Database queries: Boolean values are used to Filter data in database queries. For example, a Boolean value can be used to select only the rows in a table that meet a certain criterion.


The concept of Boolean logic was first developed by George Boole in the 19th century. Boole’s work was initially used to analyze logical arguments, but it was later adopted by mathematicians and engineers to design logic circuits.

In the 1940s, Claude Shannon developed a new way to represent Boolean logic using electrical circuits. This new representation, known as Boolean algebra, made it possible to design logic circuits that were more efficient and reliable.

Boolean algebra is now used extensively in the design of digital computers. It is also used in a variety of other applications, including Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and control systems.