


A typewriter is a mechanical or electronic device which is used to create hard copies of text by typing characters onto paper. Typewriters have evolved over time, from the original manual models to the modern electronic versions.

What does Typewriter mean?

A typewriter is a mechanical or electronic device with keys that, when pressed, cause characters to be printed onto paper, typically one character at a time. The term “typewriter” can refer to a stand-alone device or to the Keyboard component of a computer system.

On a mechanical typewriter, each key is connected to a typebar, which is a metal arm with the corresponding character on its end. When a key is pressed, the typebar swings up and strikes an inked Ribbon, which transfers the character’s image to the paper. Electronic typewriters use a similar principle, but instead of typebars, they use a print head that contains a series of small pins. When a key is pressed, the print head moves to the correct position and fires the corresponding pin, which creates a dot on the paper.

Typewriters were invented in the mid-19th century and quickly became essential tools for writing and communication. They were used in offices, schools, and homes around the world. However, with the advent of personal computers and Word processors in the late 20th century, typewriters began to decline in popularity. Today, typewriters are rarely used except for specialized applications such as legal documents and historical reenactments.


Typewriters are still used today in a variety of applications, including:

  • Legal documents: Typewriters are often used to create legal documents because they produce a permanent, tamper-proof record.
  • Historical reenactments: Typewriters are used in historical reenactments to create an authentic atmosphere.
  • Craft projects: Typewriters can be used to create a variety of craft projects, such as greeting cards, posters, and scrapbook pages.
  • Education: Typewriters can be used in education to teach students about history and technology.


The first typewriter was invented in 1829 by William Austin Burt, an American inventor. Burt’s typewriter was a mechanical device that used a series of typebars to print characters onto paper. However, Burt’s typewriter was not commercially successful.

The first commercially successful typewriter was invented in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes, an American newspaper editor. Sholes’ typewriter used a QWERTY Keyboard, which is still used on typewriters and computer keyboards today.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, typewriters became increasingly popular. They were used in offices, schools, and homes around the world. In the mid-20th century, electric typewriters were introduced, which made typing easier and faster.

With the advent of personal computers and word processors in the late 20th century, typewriters began to decline in popularity. However, typewriters are still used today in a variety of applications, including legal documents, historical reenactments, craft projects, and education.