


A keyboard is an input device used to enter text, symbols, and commands into a computer or other electronic device. It consists of several keys that, when pressed, activate specific functions or characters, facilitating human interaction with electronic systems.

What does Keyboard Mean?

A keyboard is a human interface device consisting of a Set of keys that, when pressed, generate an electrical signal that is interpreted by a Computer or other electronic device. Keyboards are commonly used to enter text and commands into computers, but they can also be used to control other devices, such as musical synthesizers or video game consoles.

Keyboards typically have a variety of keys, including alphanumeric keys, function keys, and modifier keys. Alphanumeric keys are used to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols. Function keys are usually assigned to specific tasks, such as opening a new File or printing a document. Modifier keys, such as the shift Key, control key, and alt key, are used to change the function of other keys.

The layout of keyboards varies depending on the country and the type of device. The most common keyboard layout is the QWERTY layout, which was developed in the 19th century for typewriters. However, there are also other layouts, such as the Dvorak layout and the Colemak layout, which are designed to be more ergonomic and efficient.


Keyboards are essential for a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Text entry: Keyboards are the primary device used for entering text into computers. They are used to create documents, send emails, and browse the internet.
  • Command entry: Keyboards can also be used to enter commands into computers. This is done by pressing a specific sequence of keys, which triggers a particular action.
  • Device control: Keyboards can be used to control other devices, such as musical synthesizers or video game consoles. This is done by pressing a specific key or combination of keys, which sends a signal to the device.


The first keyboards were developed in the 19th century for use with typewriters. These keyboards were similar to modern keyboards, but they had a few key differences. For example, the early keyboards did not have any function keys, and they had a different layout than modern keyboards.

In the early 20th century, keyboards began to be used with computers. The first computer keyboards were similar to Typewriter keyboards, but they had a few additional keys, such as the shift key and the control key.

Over the years, keyboards have evolved to become more ergonomic and efficient. The modern keyboard layout was developed in the 1930s, and it has been used on most computers and typewriters ever since. Keyboards have also become more compact and portable, making them easier to use on laptops and other mobile devices.