


Smalltalk is a programming language that emphasizes object-oriented programming, where objects interact to perform actions. It is a highly reflective language, allowing programmers to inspect and modify the behavior of the program while it is running.

What does Smalltalk mean?

Smalltalk is a dynamic, Object-Oriented Programming language that emphasizes simplicity, interactivity, and extensibility. It is designed to make programming more intuitive and productive, enabling developers to rapidly prototype and build complex applications. Smalltalk’s core principles include:

  • Dynamic typing: Types are checked at runtime rather than compile-time, providing greater flexibility in code during development and execution.
  • Object-oriented programming: Everything in Smalltalk is an object, encapsulating data and behavior, allowing for clear and maintainable code organization.
  • Metaprogramming: Smalltalk allows developers to inspect and manipulate its own code at runtime, enabling powerful introspection and extensibility features.
  • Reflective programming: Smalltalk provides deep insights into its own behavior, allowing developers to understand and debug code more effectively.
  • Image-based programming: Smalltalk applications run in a persistent image, eliminating the need for recompilation and providing a seamless development and execution experience.


Smalltalk’s unique features make it particularly well-suited for various applications, including:

  • Enterprise software: Large-scale enterprise systems, such as financial trading platforms, benefit from Smalltalk’s reliability, maintainability, and high performance.
  • Graphics and user interfaces: Smalltalk’s intuitive object-oriented design and responsive Runtime Environment make it ideal for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and multimedia applications.
  • Rapid prototyping: Smalltalk’s dynamic nature and interactivity enable developers to quickly prototype and iterate on application designs, reducing time-to-market.
  • Embedded systems: Smalltalk’s compact and efficient runtime environment make it suitable for embedded systems, where resource constraints are a primary concern.
  • Research and education: Smalltalk’s simplicity and metaprogramming capabilities make it an excellent tool for teaching and exploring computer science concepts.


Smalltalk was developed at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in the 1970s by a team led by Alan Kay. It emerged from the groundbreaking research on graphical user interfaces, object-oriented programming, and personal computing. Key milestones in Smalltalk’s history include:

  • 1972: Smalltalk-72, the first version of the language, is developed.
  • 1980: Smalltalk-80, a major revision, introduces important features such as metaprogramming and persistent images.
  • 1981: Apple Lisa (the precursor to Macintosh) uses Smalltalk-80 for its operating system and application development environment.
  • 1983: The Smalltalk Consortium is formed to promote and develop the language and its ecosystem.
  • 1995: Squeak, a portable and open-source Implementation of Smalltalk, is released.
  • 2019: Pharo Smalltalk is introduced as a modern and advanced version of Smalltalk, leveraging modern hardware and development practices.

Smalltalk has continuously evolved over the decades, with ongoing research and development efforts focused on improving performance, extending its capabilities, and making it more accessible to a wider developer community.