Run of Channel


Run of Channel

Run of Channel (ROC) is an advertising method where a video ad plays in a fixed position within a video stream, typically before or during another video. ROC provides advertisers with a high level of visibility and engagement.

What does Run of Channel mean?

Run of Channel (ROC) is a broadcast advertising strategy that allows advertisers to purchase Commercial spots across multiple channels and programs within a specific time period. It provides a comprehensive Reach and frequency by ensuring that advertisements are seen by a large and diverse audience.

ROC differs from traditional advertising approaches, where advertisers typically select specific shows or channels to air their ads. Instead, ROC grants advertisers access to a wider inventory of channels and programs, maximizing their exposure and targeting potential customers. This flexible and efficient approach enables advertisers to reach audiences with various interests and demographics.


ROC is widely used in the advertising and marketing industry due to its several advantages. Firstly, it maximizes reach and frequency, ensuring that advertisements are seen by a large number of consumers multiple times. This repetition enhances brand awareness, strengthens recall, and drives purchase decisions.

Secondly, ROC allows advertisers to target specific demographics and audience segments. By selecting channels and programs that align with their target audience’s interests and viewing habits, advertisers can deliver tailored messages to the most receptive consumers.

Moreover, ROC provides flexibility and scalability. Advertisers can adjust their campaign’s reach, frequency, and targeting parameters based on their goals and budget. They can also experiment with different channels and programs to optimize their campaigns and achieve better results.


The concept of ROC emerged in the early days of broadcast television. Initially, advertisers purchased time slots on specific shows or channels. However, as the television landscape expanded, with a proliferation of channels and programs, the need arose for a more efficient and comprehensive way to reach audiences.

ROC gained prominence in the 1970s as a result of advances in media measurement and audience data. Marketers recognized the potential of leveraging multiple channels and programs to maximize their reach and impact. The introduction of Digital technologies and the rise of streaming services further accelerated the adoption of ROC as advertisers sought to extend their reach across different platforms and devices.

Today, ROC is a staple in the advertising and marketing industry, enabling advertisers to reach and engage audiences effectively in a fragmented and multi-channel media landscape.