


Pre-emption allows a higher-priority task to interrupt and take over the resources of a lower-priority task, ensuring that critical tasks are executed promptly. It prioritizes the execution of essential processes, enabling a more efficient and responsive system.

What does Pre-Emption mean?

Pre-emption is a computing term that refers to the ability of a computer system to interrupt a currently running program or Process in order to execute a higher-priority task or event. This allows the system to respond promptly to critical events, such as hardware failures or incoming data, without having to wait for the completion of the Current task.

Pre-emption is implemented by the operating system (OS), which is responsible for managing the allocation of resources and scheduling of tasks. When a higher-priority event occurs, the OS raises an interrupt, which causes the CPU to stop executing the current program and switch to the higher-priority task. The OS then saves the State of the interrupted program so that it can be resumed later.

Pre-emption is a fundamental feature of multitasking operating systems, which allow multiple programs or processes to run concurrently on the same computer. Without pre-emption, a long-running or poorly-behaved program could monopolize the CPU, preventing other programs from running. Pre-emption ensures that all programs receive a fair share of the CPU’s time, providing a more responsive and user-friendly computing experience.


Pre-emption is used in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Real-time systems: Pre-emption is essential for real-time systems, which must respond to external events within a specific timeframe. Examples include embedded systems in medical devices, industrial control systems, and telecommunications networks.
  • Multimedia applications: Pre-emption allows multimedia applications, such as video and audio players, to stream data smoothly without interruptions. By preempting lower-priority tasks, the OS can ensure that critical audio and video data is processed in time to maintain a seamless user experience.
  • Virtualization: Pre-emption enables virtualization technologies, such as hypervisors, to manage multiple virtual machines (VMs) running on a single physical server. By preempting low-priority VMs, the hypervisor can allocate CPU resources to high-priority VMs, ensuring optimal performance for critical applications.
  • Cloud computing: Pre-emption is used in cloud computing platforms to efficiently manage resources and provide a cost-effective way for users to access computing power. Cloud providers typically offer preemptible instances, which can be preempted by higher-priority tasks, allowing users to pay less for their computing needs.


The concept of pre-emption has its roots in the early days of computing. In the 1960s, operating systems such as Multics and Unix introduced pre-emptive multitasking, which allowed multiple programs to run concurrently and share system resources. This was a significant advance over Non-Preemptive Multitasking systems, which required users to manually switch between programs.

As computers grew more powerful and complex, the need for pre-emption became even more evident. The development of real-time systems in the 1970s and 1980s further highlighted the importance of pre-emption for ensuring timely response to critical events.

Today, pre-emption is a fundamental feature of all modern operating systems, from desktop and mobile devices to大型机computers. It is an essential component of modern computing and plays a crucial role in ensuring the responsiveness, reliability, and efficiency of our digital devices.