Non-Preemptive Multitasking


Non-Preemptive Multitasking

Non-Preemptive multitasking is a system where the currently running task retains control of the processor until it finishes or blocks, allowing it to execute without interruption. Unlike preemptive multitasking, the operating system cannot force the task to relinquish control of the processor.

What does Non-Preemptive Multitasking mean?

Non-preemptive multitasking, also known as cooperative multitasking, is a multitasking operating System (OS) model where tasks run for an unspecified duration until they voluntarily yield the CPU to another task. In this model, the currently running task is not forcibly interrupted or terminated by the OS, even if higher-priority tasks become available. Instead, tasks cooperate by voluntarily surrendering control of the CPU when they have completed a specific operation or reached a blocking condition, such as waiting for user Input or I/O operations.

In non-preemptive multitasking, the scheduler is responsible for determining which task should run next, based on factors such as priority or time-sharing algorithms. However, once a task has been assigned the CPU, it retains control until it explicitly releases it. This behavior ensures that tasks can complete critical sections without being interrupted, preventing data corruption or race conditions. However, it also introduces the possibility of task starvation, where low-priority tasks may never get a chance to run if higher-priority tasks do not yield the CPU in a timely manner.


Non-preemptive multitasking is suitable for systems where task reliability and Integrity are paramount. It is commonly used in embedded systems, such as microcontrollers and real-time operating systems (RTOS). In these systems, it is crucial to ensure that critical tasks complete without interruption, as system failures or data loss can have severe consequences. For example, a medical device’s software may use non-preemptive multitasking to ensure that life-critical tasks, such as monitoring patient vitals and administering medication, are not interrupted by less important tasks.


The concept of non-preemptive multitasking emerged in the early days of multitasking operating systems. One of the first notable examples was the Multics operating system, developed in the 1960s at MIT. Multics implemented non-preemptive multitasking to allow for the development of complex and reliable software systems.

Over time, preemptive multitasking became more widely adopted as Computer hardware improved and system performance became a more significant concern. However, non-preemptive multitasking remains an important technique in specialized applications, providing a reliable and deterministic Execution environment for critical tasks.