


Multiprocessing is a computing capability where multiple processors work together to execute a program, increasing its efficiency and processing speed. It involves dividing a task into smaller parts and assigning them to different processors for simultaneous execution.

What does Multiprocessing mean?

Multiprocessing is the execution of multiple processes (tasks) concurrently on one or more CPUs (central processing units) in a Computer System. It is a type of parallel Computing that allows a computer to perform several tasks simultaneously, improving its efficiency and performance.

Multiprocessing systems feature multiple processors that share the system’s memory and resources. Each process has its own independent memory and can run independently without interfering with other processes. The operating system manages the scheduling of processes, allocating time slices on the CPUs to each one.

Multiprocessing is commonly used in high-performance computing applications, where time-consuming tasks can be divided into smaller parts and processed simultaneously. It is also beneficial for applications that require real-time responsiveness, such as image processing, Video Editing, and scientific simulations.

Benefits of Multiprocessing

  • Faster processing: By distributing tasks across multiple CPUs, multiprocessing can significantly reduce the overall execution time.
  • Improved resource utilization: Multiprocessing ensures that all available CPUs are being utilized, minimizing idle time and maximizing system efficiency.
  • Enhanced scalability: Multiprocessing systems can be scaled up by adding more CPUs, allowing for increased processing capacity and performance.
  • Increased reliability: If one CPU fails, other CPUs can continue to handle tasks, maintaining system stability and data integrity.


Multiprocessing is widely used in various technology domains, including:

  • High-performance computing: Supercomputers and scientific simulations rely on multiprocessing to process massive datasets and solve complex problems efficiently.
  • Image and video processing: Multiprocessing accelerates image and video processing tasks, such as filtering, edge detection, and motion tracking.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Training and deploying AI models require significant computational power, which can be parallelized using multiprocessing.
  • Web servers: Multiprocessing enables web servers to handle multiple user requests concurrently, ensuring fast and responsive web pages.
  • Database systems: Databases can leverage multiprocessing to improve query performance and Transaction processing efficiency.


The concept of multiprocessing emerged in the 1960s with the development of multiprocessor systems like the CDC 6600. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that multiprocessing gained significant traction with the advent of affordable microprocessors and symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) systems.

SMP systems feature multiple identical processors that share the same memory and bus. They became popular in the 1990s and remained the dominant multiprocessing architecture for several years.

In the 2000s, multicore processors emerged, featuring multiple processing cores within a single chip. Multicore processors combined the benefits of multiprocessing and single-processor systems, offering higher performance and power efficiency.

Today, multiprocessing is an essential aspect of modern computing, utilized in a wide range of applications. It continues to evolve with advancements in processor technology, enabling even greater performance and scalability.